วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Manifesting Your Dreams with Zensight

Author : Carol Ann Rowland
Easy, effortless financial abundance; optimal health; a loving intimate relationship; a happy, comfortable workplace, well suited to your own individual personality and needs - these are just a few of the things that any of us may wish to manifest for ourselves.What is manifesting? Manifesting basically involves the focusing of our intent, to create what it is that we want for ourselves.Many people underestimate the power of intention. They consider it fanciful or even wishful thinking, rather than something that can truly create the change that is desired.Still others - especially those who use energy healing or similar approaches - recognize and enjoy the benefits of manifesting, each and every day.If you have tried manifesting before and not noticed results, do not despair. What is most essential with manifesting is to first heal and eliminate all of your blocks to allowing and holding onto abundance in all of its forms.Why would anyone block abundance from coming to them?Past internalized negative messages are often at play. Just a few of the numerous examples people have shared with me are:"I'm not good enough."It's not spiritual to be rich.""I don't deserve it.""If I have it I might lose it - better not to have it in the first place than to have it for a while and then taken away.""It would be too much responsibility to be rich/have a relationship/have a great job."Does any of this sound familiar?Whatever your own internal blocks are, you need to heal and dissolve them before you can truly be successful at manifesting.Otherwise, when you focus your intent and tell the Universe what it is that you want, you will in effect be sending mixed messages, such as:"Please send me unlimited financial abundance...unless someone else deserves it more than I do...maybe you shouldn't bother."If you send out mixed messages, the results you receive will, not surprisingly, be mixed. You may have a sudden windfall of money only to then have a correspondingly large bill to pay.One way to overcome any emotional blocks you may experience in connection with fully welcoming all that you wish to experience, into your life, is to use an energy psychology approach such as Zensight.With Zensight, it is not necessary to know exactly what all of your blocks to abundance are. You can be specific about the issues or concerns you are aware of, while making sure you include general statements to address what you don't know.Zensight involves working with the subconscious mind in a way that is similar to hypnosis - and yet no hypnosis is actually used. Instead, we begin by creating a "healing symbol".The healing symbol can be a word, picture, or colour. Some people choose to use a symbol such as "ocean". They then can focus on the word "ocean" when that feels right, and at other times may actually visualize the ocean.When this healing symbol is used or focused upon with intent, it allows the fears, concerns, and "blocks" that someone is experiencing to gently heal and transform.The healing symbol is then used together with healing statements and visualizations, to soften, dissolve and release the concerns that are being experienced.
If the picture doesn't change, if no picture is seen, or in order to resolve any remaining upset, the individual uses healing statements.After each statement, the person takes a deep breath and lets it go, and focuses upon the healing symbol. Concerns are then healed and transformed, as positive feelings grow and strengthen.For example:"I heal any beliefs that any parts of me have, that I don't deserve to fully achieve and manifest this experience into my life.""I heal any and all beliefs that any parts of me have, that I am not worthy.""I heal all of the origins of any beliefs that any parts of me have, that I am not capable of creating my own reality.""I now heal, transform and eliminate any beliefs that any parts of me have, that I don't have the time or ability to create what it is that I want, in my life now.""I now heal, transform and release any and all beliefs that any parts of me have about manifesting, that don't serve my highest good now.""I now heal, transform and release any and all counterproductive messages that any parts of me have internalized about money from my family, my friends, my past experiences, or society.""I heal all of the origins of any beliefs that any parts of me have, that it is not safe, or not in my best interests to be happy.""All of the different parts of me now fully welcome unlimited abundance in all of its many forms, into my life."Once you can focus upon your desired outcome - what it is that you want to manifest - and feel completely happy, positive, calm and relaxed (or excited!) while picturing yourself enjoying it, that is when you want to start sending out messages to the Universe confirming what it is that you want.Spend time sending out happy, positive energy - seeing what it is that you want, asking for it, and visualizing yourself having it - while picturing golden energy or light going out in all directions. Use your healing symbol to strengthen your experience of this.It is best to do this visualization while falling asleep at night, any time you wake up during the night, or first thing in the morning. This is when your subconscious mind is most easily influenced, and you can thereby simultaneously program your psyche to bring this towards you.This can be a very relaxing and enjoyable process. Have fun with it, and pay attention to the very first signs that what you wish to create is starting to occur.Get excited, celebrate, and connect with feelings of gratitude with even the tiniest sign that your efforts are starting to succeed, and you will further increase the strength of your efforts.Carol Ann Rowland, MSW, RSW is the creator of Zensight. If financial abundance is one of your goals, you may wish to check out The Secret Pays program of attracting financial abundance to you. See http://www.TheSecretPaysYou.com for more information.
Keyword : manifesting,zensight,abundance,healing,energy work, energy healing
