วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Unique Approach to Voting During The Upcoming Election

Author : Lynn Wertheimer
Decisions, decisions! Here comes another election. You know it's getting close when you get the sample ballot in the mail. And of course there are the signs in the yards, the newspaper ads, and direct mailings. Another indication that the election is near is the amount of TV and radio advertising and the intensity of the messages. More of the ads seem to be negative the closer to Election Day.Those of you who are loyal to one party have no difficulty choosing which candidate to vote for in the election – it's one party all the way. Other people may be more thoughtful in their choices. The pre-election polls refer to the other people as undecided.And then there are the numerous propositions to consider. The County Recorder sends out a thick pamphlet with all the information you care or didn't care to know about the proposition and the candidates. The sample ballot makes it easier by summarizing what a vote yes or no for a particular proposition would mean. Even some of the best sounding propositions are so poorly written that it may be best not to vote for them.If you are someone who doesn't vote and doesn't care, or has firm loyalty to only one party, then this article is not for you, however, one way or another, the decisions that are made for candidates or propositions will affect you.So how to do cut through the ads and media coverage to make the best decision? Getting information is a good first step. Some of the information that's available may be biased to one view or another. Maybe…. it's more likely the information is biased.Most of the time I'd say you can trust your intuition or your gut feeling about a candidate or proposition. However the ads that are designed to appeal to the emotions can cloud your reasoning and intuition. So what do you do then? Who do you trust?What if there was a quick method for asking questions so you could be happy with your voting selections? What if there was a way to determine the level of honesty of a candidate?Yes, of course it's only one vote per candidate or proposition and maybe your vote wasn't or won't be for the winning one. The important thing is for you to feel good about your voting.Here's one solution. You can use the ancient art of dowsing to find the best candidate for the office or to make the best choice for proposition voting. Why dowsing? Dowsing when done correctly enables you to find the truth about the candidates or propositions.Here's how you use dowsing appropriately. First you establish a connection with a higher power (be it God, higher self, spirit guides or angels). Then you learn how to use a pendulum, which is quick and easy. It's simple to make one even with a piece of thread and paperclip.Next you determine that the horizontal swing of the pendulum device would mean no and the vertical would mean yes. Also it is advisable to draw a simple chart that would show the percentage or on a scale of one to ten response. A simple chart can be drawn with a right angle or "L" shaped lines on a page and mark zero (0) at the top and ten (10) at the bottom. All the numbers in between zero to ten could be marked in hash marks.Now it's time to formulate some simple yes and no response questions. It's always good to start out with test questions on answers you know to be true such as asking your own name or birth date. For example to get a yes response ask the question with the correct information (is my name Fred? if your name is Fred then you would get a yes response). And to get a no response you could ask if you are 10 ft tall or something like that (or something else you know to be false).Here are some questions you can use for making voting decisions. Is this candidate the best choice for this office? On a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest and ten being the highest, what is the level of honesty of this candidate? What is the level of greed for this candidate? Is this media ad true about this candidate or proposition? What percent of this ad is true? For percentages you could make a similar chart to the one for a scale of one to ten or use a half circle marking the percentage increments by ten. (Hint – a protractor like the one's you used in grade school are ideal for drawing a half circle.)You can also ask questions about the propositions. Is the information in the summary on the sample ballot accurate? Would this proposition benefit me? Is the wording of this proposition clear and easy to interpret so if it does become law it will maintain the proposition's intent?In his book, Improve Your Life Through Dowsing, David Schultz explains his approach to using dowsing to select the best candidate and whether to vote for or against an issue. He had his High Self research from his criteria that included honesty, ethics, knowledge and a willingness to serve the public. He used his sample ballot and his pendulum to point to the name of the candidate that fit those criteria. He also relates that propositions can be confusing and uses his High Self research the pros and cons and whether the propositions are best for the people.You could even experiment with predicting the outcome of the elections as suggested in Taming the Wild Pendulum by Dr. Tag Powell and Dr. Judith Powell. Their method involved writing the names of the candidates for one particular office on a small piece of paper and turned them over and mixing them up on a table. They then asked which one would become the next (president). They maintained their neutrality with using dowsing to determine the outcome and got it right.Asking questions and using dowsing to find your answers is a powerful combination.Lynn Wertheimer has been dowsing for over 20 years. Lynn uses her pendulum and device-less dowsing in all areas of her life including making sure the food she buys is safe to eat (especially important with the reports of E. Coli poisonings). She is the author of the eBook, The Dowsing Advantage. The Dowsing Advantage is offered with 4 bonus reports: How to Guide for Shopping; How to Find and Improve Relationships; Tips on How to Use Dowsing for Feng Shui and Fun Experiments for Kids. You can learn the Secrets to Dowsing fast for making powerful decisions and more by visiting www.thedowsingadvantage.com.
Keyword : dowsing, how to dowse, how to learn to use a pendulum, making decisions
