วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Are You Too Uptight For Success?

Author : Paul Hooper - Kelly
Are you going round in ever decreasing circles?A few years ago, there was a situation comedy by that very name. And, if you're at all like the main character in that series, you could actually be shutting off the very success you crave and deserve.You see, this character, Martin, had a neighbor, called Paul, who was the antithesis of him. Paul was more sophisticated, better looking, more stylish and had his own business, whilst Martin was on the j.o.b. treadmill. And, no matter how daunting the situation, Paul always seemed to come effortlessly out of every situation, smelling of the proverbial rose petals.In reality we'd all like to be like Paul, sailing through life effortlessly, with even apparent disasters turning out for the best.So why not?Because, deep down, we think we can't afford to take the risk. We simply can't understand how caring less about everything and being more laid back can possibly be as effective as our current way of striving hard to make everything perfect. But, if you're reading this, it's because you want to improve your life. So, if what I've just said chimes with what you feel, ask yourself this . . .If operating the way you currently are hasn't got you the results you want in life, don't you think maybe it's time to change tactics? It's a bit like learning to swim. Before we can swim, we have to trust the water will hold us up. If we don't have that trust, we will panic and that will probably lead to failure.So let's see how this laid back character, Paul, might just be on to something. You see, one advantage of getting to a certain age is something you simply cannot buy: experience. In my life. I've been able to observe thousands of different people in all sorts of situations, both in the office and home environment. People from self made millionaires to bank robbers. In fact, it's been a real hands-on, cutting edge success results master class.So here's a few things I've picked up. Let's see how they apply to both your life and this fictional situation.
Successful people are always open to new ideas.This opens up new horizons all the time, each with a chance to increase their wealth.In our sit com, the uptight Martin character had the attitude: that's the way it's always been and that's good enough for me. So he never stopped going round in ever decreasing circles.Successful people don't prejudge situations in a negative way.Again this is part of their open attitude, which often pays dividends.In our sit com, the Martin character was very concerned when new neighbors were coming, in case it upset the even tenor of his life. In fact, he was delighted when they turned out to be a mirror image of himself.Successful people don't give up looking for solutions.When Martin was tricked into thinking he had slept with another woman, it was Paul who was positive and tenacious enough to find out the truth, and so save Martin's marriage.Successful people don't make a major drama out of a minor incident.Martin was delighted when the manager of Paul's business resigned. Paul wasn't too upset and a few hours later had found an ever better person as manager, whom he wouldn't have been able to snap up, had his old manager not resigned at that time.Successful people have a wide range of friends.This allows them to call upon them, when they need a particular talent they don't personaly possess.The Martin character limited his circle of friends to those like him (a common occurrence with less successful people). But Paul could always find a buddy from his wide circle of friends to call on, when he wanted to stage something a bit special, such as a military band to play and parachutists to drop in at the village fun day.
So promise yourself that, from right now, you'll be more like a Paul and less like a Martin. Remember, a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet!Copyright 2006 Paul Hooper-Kelly and www.InternetMarketingMagician.comPaul Hooper-Kelly owns http://HowToMakeYourOwnLuck.com/ and uses his life long business and personal experience to help ordinary people achieve extraordinary personal and financial success.Paul has just written a free 17 part e-course called "The Seventeen Secrets of Success". Grab your copy at Success
Keyword : success, take the risk, have that trust, self made millionaires, success results masterclass
