วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Don't Miss Understanding

Author : Vivian Gordon
As a Christian believer, I suppose I see things a bit differently than those who are living in the natural state as opposed to a spiritual one. I want to clarify the fact that I realize that no two people see things the same exact way. When I write these articles, I do it from a spiritual standpoint, letting God's Word lead me in truth. My last article was about rightly dividing His Word and not using it for our own benefit. So many times we hear people say, "God helps those who help themselves". I said this was a lie from hell, and depending on how we are saying it, it actually is. But, then there are examples in God's Word where it's obvious that He does help those who help themselves. But is this how we mean it when we say it? I want to take a look at some of these examples and determine the motives behind peoples' actions. Our motives afterall, are what God is looking at. We shouldn't assume that God will automatically help us if our motives aren't in sync with His.First of all, in the natural state, as an unbeliever, a person is considered sinful and wicked. It's only when we have repented and submitted totally to Christ that we are now righteous in His sight. God's Word is very explicit about our wicked condition and what we should expect if we are out to gain riches for ourselves. After all, isn't this what we mean by 'helping oureslves'? For example, in the book of Proverbs, otherwise known as the book of wisdom, Solomon wrote these words in Chapter 16:1-9. He is establishing the works of people in their 'natural' state as opposed to doing what God has authored in the 'spiritual'. Human motives and responsibilities are what God sees."The plans of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord." (Prov. 16:1)
Our actions and motives are always subject to God's Sovereignty. In the end, He is in complete control, not us."All the ways of man are clean in his own sight, But the Lord weighs the motives." (Prov. 16:2)
We can deceive ourselves into right actions, but God knows our true motives."Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established." (Prov. 16:3)
As long was we commit ourselves to God in total submission, He and He alone will fulfill our "righteous" plans."The Lord has made everything for its own purpose. Even the wicked for the day of evil." (Prov. 16:4)
God is in control over everything. Even when wicked people plot against us, God will get the glory in the end to make them living examples of His Sovereignty."Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord; Assuredly, he will not be unpunished." (Prov. 16:5)
God hates those who are self righteous in their own eyes. If you think that He will reward you for helping yourself in achieving greatness and self importance, this says He will punish this kind of behavior. Why? Because we are making ourselves out to be gods. Read the Ten Commandments."By loving kindness and truth, iniquity is atoned for; And by the fear of the Lord one keeps away from evil." (Prov. 16:6)
In God's loving kindness, He protects those who are covered in the blood of Jesus from their sins by keeping them from doing evil."When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Prov. 16:7)
This doesn't mean that some people will not still suffer persecution, but God knows our afflictions. He will give us His peace and joy in the storms that we face. Believe it!"Better is a little with righteousness; Than great income with injustice." (Prov. 16:8)
When understanding this principle, God doesn't reward anyone who is out to help themselves if their motives are not pure. In other words, if God isn't in the plan, the plan won't work. Not for long anyway. Remember, God has the final say."The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps." (Prov. 16:9)
No matter what a person plans, if he's out to help himself through selfish motives, God will eventually bring it to an end in order that He may fulfill His plans and purposes.Let's look at a Biblical account of selfish behavior in Judges. The people wanted human kings to rule them as opposed to the Sovereign King of kings. So God backed off and allowed them to have what they wanted. This period of history turned into a tragic and bleak time for the Israelites. Their sin grew deep when they ignored the authority of God. While He loved them dearly, He pulled back His arm and let them learn for themselves. Their motives were without God and they did what they thought was right in their own eyes. Aren't we behaving this way today? What will happen if we continue helping ourselves in selfish and self rightous ways?"In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes." ( Judges 21:25)So, I suppose that God will help those who insist on helping themselves. He will help them destroy what they have due to selfish natures. And He will also help those who help themselves when they do it with right motives. If you are a person of great inner faith, believing that He will bring you out of your trouble, then He will deliver you and help you in this instance also. Again, it all revolves around a person's motives.I want to look at one more Biblical account to this fact as well. There was a woman who had spent all her money on doctors trying to find her healing but nothing helped. She turned to her Savior for the help she so desperately needed. She hung onto her faith in Jesus. She was helping herself at this point with the proper motives. Let's see what happened."And a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years, came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak, for she was saying to herself, 'If I only touch His garment, I will get well.' But Jesus turning and seeing her said, 'Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well.' At once the woman was made well." (Mt. 9:20-22)Here we see that this unclean woman surrendered herself totally and knew her salvation would come through Jesus. She was determined to help hersef in the act of allowing God to help her. It's only when we turn to God for our salvation through Christ, will He help us. Her motives were pure and true. Seeing her heart, then God healed her. As long as she depended on the help of others, she remained in a sick and unclean state.I pray that this account of God's truth about helping those who help themselves will clarify this quote that is often misused and misunderstood. God's way of thinking and doing things far exceeds what we could ever dare to imagine. But if we only take the time to get to know Him in His Word, He is faithful and just in giving us a clear understanding. May we never use quotes out of context and out of missing the understanding. We are better off being safe than sorry.It is the work of Christ that makes us safe, and it's God's Word that makes us sure!Vivian Gordon writes articles pertaining to God's
instructions and the examples He has given us in order
to grow on this Christian walk with Him. She hopes that
they can inspire the Christian to grow spiritualy and
maturely in their lives.
Keyword : Christianity, Spiritualality, Inspirational, Truth, Knowledge, Christ, Understanding, Deceit, Bible
