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The Four Top Secrets of Business Development and Risk Management

Author : Peter McLean
Everyone loves a winner! In the business world, the more money you make, the more effective and successful you and your business become. This truism is consistently born out by top business owners who take their ideas to market. But what are their secrets? Invariably, their success is the natural outcome of effective business development and risk management. They accomplish this by following the four steps outlined below.1. Think About It!All business activity begins with having an idea. Successful business people are thinking all the time about their business and how they can take it to the next level of development. In his classic book, "Think and Grow Rich," Napoleon Hill starts at this very point when divulging his findings about successful businessmen, such as Andrew Carnegie. In fact, his book title starts with the word "THINK."In business however, thinking is never divorced from knowing and doing. These three processes of thinking, knowing and doing feed on and fold back on each other in a never-ending cycle of focusing energy and productivity.2. Focus on Customer NeedsSuccessful business people take their ideas to the next stage of satisfying a customer need or want. All of their thinking is channeled into supplying a product or service that will address a problem that people are experiencing. Customers will pay money for a product if it solves a problem and therefore helps them to achieve their goals.In the 1870's gold rush era, the entrepreneurs who often made the most money were not the gold miners, but the business people who supplied the shovels and mining equipment. These enterprising individuals did not rely on building wealth by merely striking it lucky. They thought about their opportunities and then applied their knowledge in a manner that ensured that they would become very rich indeed.3. Develop Your Reputation by Consistently Delivering Value for MoneySuccessful business people think, apply that knowledge and deliver a product or service that they know customers actually want and benefit from. Obviously, there is no use in having the world's greatest idea if nobody wants it. There have been countless stories told of the follies of individuals who had what they thought was a brilliant solution to a problem that nobody else appreciated. Great amounts of time and energy, as well as investment capital, have gone into whacky inventions that nobody wanted. Business development and risk management are addressed by focusing on what the customer wants and needs.4. Develop Your CharacterThis character building is achieved by developing yourself in and around the steps mentioned above, ie, thinking, doing and knowing. This element of character building in successful people seems to occur as a direct result of the activities that they engage in and the endeavours that they pursue.The characteristics of successful business people include; courage and audacity, persistence, resolve, determination, building relationships with others, thinking team and believing that they are not alone in the world, curiosity, always learning, "street smarts" (seeing the angles), being responsible and being responsive.So, in summary, the four steps followed by top business owners and leaders to ensure effective business development and risk management are:- They think – this thinking is never divorced from action- They are customer-need focused – what does the customer really need?- They deliver value for money – the investment made fixes the problem- They build their reputation – happens as a byproduct of being constantly involved in the first three endeavours.Peter McLean is a highly experienced Coach, Senior Manager, Consultant, Business Owner and Company Director. He successfully coaches top Executives in some of Australia's leading multi-national companies. One such Senior Executive recently won an International Award for Excellence within his particular field. In addition, Peter works extensively in the Public, Private, Commercial and Not-for-Profit sectors, delivering outstanding results for his clients. To learn more of how you can benefit from Peter's experience, visit the Essential Business Coach web site!
Keyword : Business development and risk management,Successful business people,Top business owners,Business act
