วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Super Resutls Come From Super Selection

Author : Manny Nowak
Results come from taking action but great results come from taking the
right action.Sometimes we wonder why we are working so hard, so long, so
dedicated and yet we are getting nowhere. It seems we are just walking
on the treadmill. Why is that? Why am I not moving forward? Why is
my business not the success it could be? Why, why, why?The first question I have to ask you is "Are you working the highest
payback items in your life, the most important, or are you just working
the hottest things that come up."I know that sounds like a wacko question, and it might just be a wacko
question. The point is really simple, how many of us spend our time
doing what we like, what we are good at, what we feel like doing or just
what feels right, what I think I should be doing?How many of us take time to look at the things we need to do and ask
ourselves which are the highest payback items that need to be done?
Which ones are going to create the greatest results for me? Which ones
are going to take me where I want to go? Not which ones are the
hottest, not which ones should be done, but which ones are going to
create the greatest results.In our last newsletter we discuss mindstorming. How many of you
implemented it and made it work for you. If you did, send me an email
and tell me how you made it work.What I want you to do today is think about all the things you need to do,
all the things you feel you have to get done today. Then I want you to
give each one a weighted number as to how much it will contribute to
your success, to getting you were you really want to go in life. Use the
scale 1-10 where 1 is very low and 10 is the highest.Once you have completed this, select the 3 items that will bring you the
highest return and do them. Yea, just go do them, stop thinking about it
and stop trying to justify it. Didn't you just rate them and didn't they
come out on top, aren't they the ones that will bring the greatest results?
Then do them. Or go back and do your rating again. But remember, in
most cases your first impression is correct.Now, after you try this, then I want you to do this every day. Look at all
the items, select the 3, and do them. If you finish the 3 items and have
more day left, then go back and find 3 more.You have now changed from doing things to doing the things that create
the highest payback for you. If you are not doing this then you are
spending your life and career on secondary items and it is no wonder
you are not getting the results you really want.I would love to tell you I am superman, but I am just as guilty as you
are. We are all guilty of not focusing on the highest payback items.
First you have to get rid of the denial, get rid of trying to justify what
you are doing. It is either a high payback item or it is not. It is going to
help you achieve your goals, or it is not.Don't tell yourself you are working the most important items in your life
if you are not.For the next 21 days, each and every day find the 3 biggest payback
items and do them. This applies to work, play and your entire life.
After 21 days it becomes a habit and you will run your life to success.
I coach people everyday and coaching is nothing more than finding
these things and then making sure the person does them, that's called
accountability and that will be the subject next month.Manny Nowak has spent over 25 years in building successful companies in the software, information systems and tradeshow industries. An ex-marine and former top-notch computer programmer, Manny has an extensive background in building the attitudes that create great success, attitudes that take you to the extreme levels of success

Keyword : Coaching, Time-Managment, Attitude, Action, Accountability, Success, Customer Service
