วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Don't Swear or Use Filthy Language - Don't be Vulgar or Take The Lord's Name in Vain

Author : Eva Fry
Sometimes, when I walk through the halls of Juvenile Hall, I hear kids yelling terrible words at each other, or at the coaches. They even yell bad words at me, as I walk past their doors, and they don't even know me.It makes me sad to hear these young people allowing such terrible words come to out of their mouths. It shows me they are hurting inside. They aren't even aware that the bad language is hurting them the most.Today, bad language is so common. When I talk to kids, one on one, they sometimes talk to me using terrible words. They are not even aware of what they are saying. Their bad language has become so gross and such a bad habit that they aren't even aware they are saying them. Lots of times they use vulgarity just to be noticed or to try to hurt someone else. Bad language is a sign of ignorance and of low self-esteem. Filthy words are really evil.
I encourage each of you to be very aware of what comes out of your mouth. Make it a new habit to try to replace the bad words with proper words. I know it will not be easy but it is possible. If you do, you will like yourself better, others will like you more and you will be a good example to others. With better language, when you get out of the Hall, you will have an easier chance getting a job, others will respect you more, and you'll have more success in your life.
I challenge each one of you to be conscious of the words, which come out of your mouth and try not to swear. I especially ask you to be careful of the words you use around me because I don't use those bad words, my family doesn't use those awful words and we get along just find and are happy using good language when we talk.Here are a few things said by others about swearing:How you speak says much about who you are. Clean and intelligent language is evidence of a bright and wholesome mind. Use language that uplifts, encourages, and compliments others. Do not insult others or put them down, even in joking. Speak kindly and positively about others.
Foul language harms your spirit and degrades you. Do not let others influence you to use it.
Choose friends who use good language. Help others around you use clean language by your example and by good-naturedly encouraging them to choose other words. Politely walk away or change the subject when others around you use bad language.
If you have developed the habit of swearing, you can break it. Begin by making a decision to change. Pray for help. If you start to use words you know are wrong, keep quiet and say what you have to say in a different way.Profanity is filthiness. A person is known as much by his language as he is by the company he keeps…Filthiness, in any form is degrading and soul-destroying, and should be avoided.
Stay out of the gutter in your conversation. Foul talk defiles the man who speaks it…Don't swear, don't profane. Avoid so-called dirty jokes. Stay away from conversation that is sprinkled with foul and filthy words. You will be happier if you do so, and your example will give strength to others.
Swearing is a vice that bespeaks a low standard of breeding.The nature and extent of profanity and vulgarity in our society is a measure of its deterioration.
Though we are sure no boy can tell us any advantage that can arise from the abuse of God's holy name, yet we can tell him many evils that arise there from. To begin, it is unnecessary and consequently foolish; it lessens our respect for holy things and leads us into the society of the wicked; it brings upon the disrespect of the good who avoid us; it leads us to other sins, for he who is willing to abuse his Creator is not ashamed to defraud his fellow man; and also by so doing we directly and knowingly break one of the most direct of God's commandments.We should never lower our dignity by lowering our language.**********RESPECT YOURSELF AND USE DECENT LANGUAGE*********Eva Fry's mission is to help others become better and happier. She is an inspirational author, singer/songwriter/ motivational speaker and seminar leader. Eva has published three books -
"YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM" -for seniors,
"BE A WINNER IN LIFE"-for good kids, troubled kids and their parents.
"LETTERS FROM JUVENILE HALL, KIDS HELPING KIDS" (Actual letters from kids at Juvenile Hall, intended to save other kids from destroying their lives)
She invites you to use the FREE ARTICLES she has written for: at- risk kids
Also FREE ARTICLES of inspiration to help meet life's challenges.


She has produced 7 Music CD'sREMEMBER (new music for seniors),
THE LITTLE THINGS (inspirational country),
SAVIOR OF MINE – (Christian)
GOD GAVE YOU INTELLIGENCE (for children)CLASSICAL STYLE (instrumental)Her music and books can be purchased at http://www.evafry.com

Her books can also be ordered at any bookstore.
email eva@evafry.comHer articles have been published, all over the world.
Keyword : How to Stop Swearing, How to Stop Filthy Language, Vulgar Words, Don't Take Lord's Name in Vain
