วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Gift of Good bye

Author : Avis Ward
There are four seasons and metaphorically, they apply to the seasons of our lifespan. When I lived in South Florida, however, I would say there were only two seasons, summer and hot!The falls and winters of our lives can be just as enjoyable as the springs and summers of our lives. People come and go [in our lives]. Those connected with our destiny enter and stay. These are the ones who have a positive impact on our lives and cause us to grasp beyond our reach and step outside our comfort zones. They could be our mentors. It's a blessing when they're our friends.We have seasonal fluctuations just as nature does. We have been saddened because a relationship came to an end. Whether the relationship was personal or business in nature, it brought grief and sadness. I have read many variations of this quote but how I have remembered it is: "One cannot stop an idea whose time has come." A relationship need not have been turbulent, tumultuous or fiercely negative for the end to come. It need not have been a premature end but a timely one. It's good if the ending were amicable between the parties but even if it were not, there comes a time when saying good-bye is an overt blessing or a covert one.A person deserting their family can be a blessing. The deserter could very well have given the gift of good-bye to his/her family. (An example would be abuse of any kind administered by the deserter on his/her family.) Living in a healthy environment is essential for a child to become a healthy adult. Remembering our destiny is not tied to the people who left us is very important. When doors are closed, windows are opened. And I must remind you; a house has more windows than doors. Windows are the openings for a more uplifting and positive environment ahead. Someone who is happy and who will inspire us to rise higher than our circumstances is found through open windows. It is oftentimes best to leave the door shut when the gift of goodbye has been given.Here are a few ways that can help you accept this gift and move forward with your life.Never take responsibility for the actions of others but total responsibility for your own actions. Have no uncertainty about who God made you to be. You're a victor not a victim! Life is about choices; always choose what's in your best interest and for those who are in your care. Don't look back. You have more to conquer in your future than you lost in your past. Whisper quietly or shout out loud, "Thank you, Lord!" Into each life a little rain must fall. We need the rain. It adds moisture to dry places. Even our skin glows when properly moisturized. To your healthy glow!© 2006 - Avis WardAvis Ward is an aspiring writer who enjoys writing about her spirituality, self-improvement, relationships, and women's issues. She is an Orthodontic Consultant. http://avisward.com/ Avis invites you to view her blog.
Keyword : Seasonal fluctuations, ideas, happy, family, deserter, rain, great
