วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Can a Microbusiness Help You Enjoy a Better Retirement?

Author : Barnaby Kalan
Not having enough money for a comfortable retirement tops the
list of financial concerns among aging Americans, according to
a recent Gallup Poll. It even outweighs peoples' worries about
having a serious illness or accident.With statistics showing that Americans can expect to live 20 or
more years after reaching retirement age and our longevity
continuing to inch upward, these fears could be well founded.Three out of 10 American workers haven't saved at all for
retirement, and among those who do, many have not saved
enough, according to another study. The study showed that
three out of 10 workers age 55 or older have saved less
than $25,000.Many of us plan to work past the normal retirement age.
But at this rate, we may not have a choice. Some of us in
the Baby Boom generation can expect to work beyond
age 65, whether we want to or not.There is an alternative to having to work full-time until we're
in a wheelchair. It's also a smart choice as we get past
age 50 and want to slow down a bit, but still stay active and
stimulated. And that's to gradually make the transition from
working full-time as an employee to being in business for
ourselves on a contract or per-project basis. By planning ahead,
you can gradually turn your job skills into a "microbusiness"
while you are still employed.If you have worked in a specific industry for 10, 15 or more
years, you are ideally suited for this type of transition. You
can set up a home office in a spare bedroom of your home,
get the equipment you need and gradually establish
your business.When the time comes and you want to make the change,
you can do it on your own terms – often by negotiating a
contract with your existing employers for 50 percent of your
time. There are other ways to make the change, such as
negotiating with your employer for a reduced work week,
or working from home as a "teleworker" for a few days a week.Still others have begun their private practice by moonlighting
– doing a few projects for other clients on the side at night or
on weekends in the year leading up to their departure, and
building up a clientele that way. Provided such work isn't
prohibited by your full-time employment contract, it's another
smart way to get started.Enjoy The freedomBeing your own boss means you get to choose how hard you
work and how much you are compensated. If you want to earn
extra cash for an upcoming trip or purchase, you can work a few
extra hours per week or take an extra project. If you want to take
four weeks off and visit friends in Florida, simply plan ahead,
keep your clients informed, and off you go.Perhaps that's why people over 50 are much more likely
to be self-employed, according to a study commissioned
by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).
The study showed that 16 percent of people over 50 were
self-employed, compared with 10 percent of the general
workforce. Plus one-third of self-employed seniors were
first-time entrepreneurs who began their business after turning
50 and spending many years working for other people.Being in business for yourself… especially after a lifetime
of being an employee for a larger organization… is the next
best thing to being financially independent while still
earning a living.You can scale back your hours worked per week to ease into
retirement. Or work in bursts of activity to earn extra money
for special purchases or travel. And the best part is… it often
doesn't even feel like "work" anymore.Barnaby Kalan is an award-winning copywriter and direct
marketing consultant who also helps people launch and
build their businesses. His book Outsourcing Yourself reveals
the safest, smartest ways to turn your current job skills into
a six-figure income as a self-employed freelancer or consultant.For details, visit http://www.outsourcing-yourself.com
Keyword : self employment,retirement,seniors,senior citizens,self employment,careers
