Author : Carolyn Porter
Image…Appearance…Perception…Impression…Acceptance! That's the game of life, how we look to the world and what message we send out to those who are watching. People spend exorbitant amounts of time and money to create their image. Plastic surgeons will vouch for this as will credit card companies. People want to make a good impression. There's nothing wrong with making a good impression, but when it covers up your real Self, that's a problem.People get themselves in a financial mess because they want to keep up with the Jones'. How many times have you heard a child say, "well, so in so got it so why can't I have it too?" We are programmed to go into debt to keep up appearances. That puts a great deal of stress in our lives that is unnecessary. I did it and I ended up with physical challenges all because I wanted to appear a certain way. I bet you know the routine!Stop and think about your own actions. In a new relationship of any kind – work related, romance, friend or community – you present yourself the best you can. If you go for a job interview you dress in your business best to impress the interviewer. Perhaps you wine and dine a client, go on a first date, meet future in-laws, and you're on your best behavior. But once the mask is taken off your real personality emerges, and it may not be quite the same as it was in the beginning; the divorce rate now-a-days is a prime example. Remember the old saying, "you can't judge a book by its cover?" Exactly, you can't!Many times individuals agree with another person to win their approval in some way, even when they aren't really sharing the same thoughts. Sometimes it happens because you don't stop long enough to realize your own beliefs. This is sad because you do not know who you are.As I jumped out of my box a few years ago I was forced into seeing myself in raw reality, naked if you will. I didn't like everything I saw and understood why I had tried to hide these things. But when I came face to face with them and realized what was real, I was glad I finally took off the rose-colored glasses so I could see who I am. I then proceeded to change whatever didn't serve my highest good. I was free for the first time in my life, and it felt incredibly wonderful.Being real allows your spirit to bring your truth to the surface. It's not about anyone or anything but you. When you are being real with yourself you don't need anyone's approval or validation because you've already given it to yourself. You are free to think, believe, dress, eat, and be as you wish. Society has not been taught this, it has been taught to conform and to seek approval or acceptance from others, especially if success in business or life is a goal.Now I'm not saying we can be heartless, unkind, unfair, or any other action that is fear-based. I'm saying that if you come from a loving place, loving yourself first and foremost, you have the birthright to be you, whatever that means to you. It means taking off your mask, baring your soul and heart, becoming vulnerable, accepting yourself as you are and then making changes it you wish. It means saying "no" if that's what you want to say instead of sucking up to someone by saying "yes." It also means letting go of anyone or anything you are attached to because any attachment is bondage. Being real is freedom.Know that the only real moment you have, the only time you can be real, is in the present moment. The past is over and cannot be again. The future isn't here yet so is not reality, only a dream. The only place in which there is realness is in this very moment, right now. Learn to live in the present moment. Here you can love fully, expand fully, create the future fully and be in the fullness of life.So listen to your heart, hear your inner guidance and pay attention, honoring your own beliefs even if they differ from everyone else. Stand in your truth regardless of the crowd and value yourself as a divine being whose birthright says you are worthy and deserve all that's good. Most of all, truly love yourself because without this self-love you have no love to give to anyone else. This is where you are real, in your heart where love abides, and love is the positive power in your life to heal everything.
And so it is…Carolyn Porter, D. Div., is an inspirational speaker, author of multiple books, ebooks and audios, spiritual wholeness coach, trainer for speakers, and energy facilitator whose passion is to help individuals move beyond their limiting beliefs and become all that they are meant to be.
Keyword : Real, Authentic, Freedom
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