วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Pride as a Virtue

Author : EM Sky
Have you ever been so proud of yourself you could hardly stand it? That's how I feel about my most recent blog design, and I have to tell you, it's a terrific feeling. Sometimes I get online for a minute just to look at it again and smile.I'm aware that our culture objects somewhat to outright statements of personal pride. We share a sort of mild taboo against looking too proud of oneself. I suppose this derives from the belief that humility is a virtue--a belief I happen to embrace. But I don't think feeling terrific about ourselves is the opposite of humility.The virtue of humility is about knowing that we are all equal--that no one human being is more worthy of respect or compassion or opportunity than another. And pride as a virtue does not stand against this belief. Virtuous pride is not comparative; it is simply the joy of knowing that we are capable of great things--as is every other human being on the planet.The next time you're thinking about undermining your own joy by downplaying your pride in your own accomplishments, don't. There's nothing wrong with feeling great about yourself. I wish everybody felt great about themselves. We all deserve it!So go ahead--give yourself a shout out. What do you feel proud of?--EM Sky has been a math instructor for The Johns Hopkins University, a special effects technician in Hollywood, a project manager for BellSouth, and a rock climbing instructor in Atlanta. She even tried being a lawyer for a while, but fortunately she came to her senses. Now she is an author, writing on business, life, and society for the whole human being. [http://blog.mindunbound.com]
Keyword : pride,humility,virtue,joy,enthusiasm,self-respect
