Author : Laura De Giorgio
By "impossible" I am referring to something that you would like to be, have or do, but it currently seems like way out of reach, and as much as you genuinely desire to live that dream, it appears impossible to you. The purpose of this article is to show you the process necessary to overcome the "impossible" barrier and to open the way for the realization of your "impossible" dreams.* * *Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying" she said. "One can't believe impossible things"."I daresay you haven't had much practice", said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."- "Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll* * *Everything anyone has ever accomplished in life began with a dream, with an idea. It doesn't matter if the person desired to create financial wealth, to heal himself from terminal illness, to attract that special someone, to influence others using mind-power, to play a music instrument, to use telepathy, to teleport, to levitate, to manifest money out of thin air (universal substance), to create an airplane or a TV or a computer or Internet - it all began with an idea.You may have a tendency to distinguish between what you consider to be impossible for you, and what you believe to be impossible based on general opinion (a limited perception of a particular culture or society).Once upon a time, the idea of a radio or TV was considered impossible. One brave man, whose best friends took him to psychiatric hospital to be examined after he announced that he had discovered a way to transmit sound and pictures through the ether - persisted. And thanks to him, today we can all share the blessings of his "impossible dream".Any invention we enjoy today came about because someone was brave enough to follow his heart and his dream, in spite of everyone else's opinion that this man (or a woman) lost his mind and was just chasing an "impossible dream".There are many abilities that small pockets of humanity have developed through practice, yet to most people even the existence of these abilities is unknown, or seems possible only within the realm of science fiction.Then there are experiences you'd like to have, and which you know that are possible for others because others have accomplished them, but you have no idea how to go about creating these experiences for yourself . So, they seem totally out of reach - they are your "impossible" dreams.The process for realizing any type of "impossible dream" is the same.The first requirement is that YOU MUST WANT IT. It has to be YOUR DREAM, not someone else's dream. The idea of accomplishing this "impossible" dream has to be EXCITING to you. It is not enough that you merely wish you had that experience, you must DESIRE it with your entire being. You have to FEEL the FIRE of that DESIRE burning with you, consuming your entire being. It's this fire that will BURN AWAY and consume all the obstacles in your way.Then you must DECIDE that you're going to have it no matter what, even if you don't have a clue how it's going to come about. "HOW" is really not the part you need to concern yourself with. It's not part of your job. "WHEN" is also not the part you need to concern yourself with.Your sheer DETERMINATION to get your outcome will open the way for the "how". You must then ACT. You must be WILLING TO DO whatever it takes to bring this about. IF you've DONE ALL you knew how and were capable of doing, the universe will fill out the missing parts - it will provide you with whatever it takes to make your impossible dream possible.If you need greater strength, it will be supplied. Have you ever heard of a mother who, in order to save the life of her small child, who wondered under a huge truck, was able to single-handedly lift it? This "miracle" may be contrary to the physical laws, but is not contrary to the spiritual laws. What happened was that in that moment of need and total surrender, she merged totally with the universal energy, like a drop of water merges with an ocean, and partook of its strength and power. She opened herself to power, and the needed power flowed freely through her. The power with which she was able to accomplish this "miracle" was not "hers", it was part of the infinite ocean of energy. While none of us is actually separate from this infinite ocean of energy, we can cut ourselves of through the thoughts and beliefs we hold in our minds (primarily through believing ourselves to be separated and isolated from this all-powerful loving and intelligent force).If you need food, it will be supplied. If you need money it will be supplied. If you need time it will be supplied. If you need information, it will be supplied. The supply doesn't come out of nothing - it comes through "exchange of energy". There is always something you have to "invest". When you work with mind-power and hypnosis - the primary investment consists of your "emotional energy". You may have seen the word emotion spelled as "e-motion" which translates into "energy in motion". You move this infinite supply of energy to re-arrange itself and fill your needs through your emotions of DESIRE, DECISION, DETERMINATION and EXPECTATION.If you're stuck in a situation where in spite of all of your knowledge and abilities there truly isn't anything you can do to get out of a messy situation - the infinite intelligence and power will intervene and bring your outcome even through what may seem to be a sheer miracle - an event that defies physical laws.There are other laws, universal laws - laws of the mind, laws of the spirit - that transcend physical laws, yet to truly benefit from them, you have to live according to them. I will write more about these universal laws later on - at this point I simply want to mention that just because an event seems impossible according to known physical laws, it doesn't make it impossible according to universal laws. And the first and the most important law is the LAW OF LOVE. By becoming obedient to the LAW OF LOVE, the gates of heaven will open for you and whatever you may ever need or desire will gladly rush your way.To use hypnosis and your mind-power successfully, you only need to abide by laws of the mind because they have the power to over-ride physical laws.In order for universal laws to take effect, in order to call miracles into your life, you must have TRUST and FAITH. In other words, first you must acknowledge that SOMETHING GREATER THAN YOU exists, which is able, willing and knows how to assist you - if you would let it. A way of showing your TRUST and FAITH is by whole-heartedly EXPECTING to get what you desire.The truth is that every single person at some point in his life gets a vision, a thought, an idea of living a dream-life, of accomplishing something that is GREATER than himself, a dream that seems totally out of reach, a dream that seems IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish. This inherent GREATNESS is part of every single human being. And, yes fulfilling this "impossible dream" does feel like "mission impossible" - because you were never intended to accomplish it on your own. And it's up to you whether you choose to accept or reject this mission.The purpose of this "impossible dream" is not to tantalize you, torment you or make you feel inadequate to rise to the challenge. Its purpose is to motivate you to become aware of and to express this GREATER SELF in your life, by aligning with its love, power and wisdom, by learning that IT is YOUR BEST FRIEND and that it is always present to help you. This GREATER SELF IS the very LIFE that animates your body.The "impossible dream" is actually a dream this GREATER SELF desires to express through you. This GREATER SELF IS the SOURCE of this dream AND the WAY through which this dream becomes realized. You were never meant to bring this dream about with your limited wisdom and power, but by learning how to harness the wisdom and the power of this GREATER SELF. Without ITS assistance, the dream will remain impossible. With ITS assistance the dream will be possible.The whole point and purpose of hypnosis and the hypnotist is to help you connect with this GREATER SELF that is present within you and all around you. In hypnosis, it is sometimes referred to as your Superconscious or as your unconscious. The latter term means that you're unconscious of the infinite resources within you, but it doesn't do much to develop a relationship of trust, faith and understanding of the wonderfulness of your Greater Self.If you ever stumble upon a hypnotist who tells you "hypnosis can help you achieve this, but it cannot help you achieve that" - it only demonstrates that this hypnotist has not yet had a chance to get intimately acquainted with that GREATER SELF within him and speaks based on his own "limited understanding". Also, a hypnotist who has not acquainted himself with this GREATER SELF may or may not be able to help you, simply because his own convictions and beliefs will get silently transmitted (thoughts do get transmitted through the thin air, much like sounds and pictures you listen to on the radio and watch on TV).The way you "grow in power" to do impossible things is through daily practice and through correct use of the power / ability you desire to increase. This is true whether you're a weight-lifter and desire to be able to lift more weight, whether you desire to master any other physical skill, or whether you desire to master, what are commonly referred to as "supernatural" powers (the development of these is strictly in the area of mastering your mind-power and are totally subject to the laws of the mind).Our world generally classifies things that are subject to physical laws as "natural", and things that are subject to mental (spiritual) laws as "supernatural". Because medical science has not devised instruments to measure the quotient of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs - when a person recovers from terminal illness through the use of his "mind-power" it is considered supernatural. In physical terms if you can't touch something - it's not considered "real" - yet LOVE is the most powerful force and whether you're on giving or on the receiving end of genuine love, I'm sure that it feels REAL. On my part I can attest that the greatest things I have accomplished in my life are those which I did out of love.The incorrect use of power / ability leads to a temporary loss or diminishment of power. If you use incorrectly your physical abilities / powers, you can injure yourself and find yourself prevented temporarily or permanently from exercising these powers. The same is true of using your mental powers / abilities. As you exercise your desired power / ability on daily basis and use it correctly, it will grow. Eventually, it will become a part of your unconscious process and then using it will become "a piece of cake". You'll just use it automatically whenever necessary or whenever you desire it.Now, I'd like to remind you that YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO DO THE IMPOSSIBLE. Just about anything you are able to do today - easily, effortlessly, unconsciously - seemed at some point in your life impossible. The only difference between those things you have chosen to master and those that have remained impossible is that you were TOTALLY MOTIVATED to master the first, and with some of them you had TOTAL SUPPORT of people around you (no one ever told you "that's impossible"), and you were DETERMINED to MASTER THOSE SKILLS because they were VERY IMPORTANT TO YOU - perhaps to your SURVIVAL. There was never a question whether you can or you can not - you JUST simply HAD TO DO IT. Those you haven't even attempted to master didn't seem THAT IMPORTANT to you.There was a time when you didn't know how to walk. You didn't even have a clue how you're going to be able to walk. All that you had was a sense of DETERMINATION that you'll master the art of walking no matter what. Failure was not an option. You focused all your energy on accomplishing this dream (yes, there was a time when even being able to walk was only a dream), and what made mastering this ability even easier - not only did you EXPECT that you will be able to walk, but EVERYONE AROUND you EXPECTED IT, too.And you went through the same process when you were learning how to talk, how to write, and how to do many other things that are so easy for you to do today that you don't even think about them as POWERS.Then, you started to have some dreams that OTHER PEOPLE didn't perceive as possible, some dreams that even well-known experts pronounced as impossible. Or maybe you found yourself surrounded with people who attempted to talk you into (and maybe succeeded) shoving your dreams under the carpet and pursuing theirs. And maybe you discovered that this may all worked fine and well for them, but it left you feeling unhappy, unfulfilled or somehow inadequate.There is a perfect place in this world for each one of us, but to live from that place of happiness and fulfillment, we have to have the guts to follow our own dreams, no matter how "impossible" they may appear to be at a time. The world belongs to those who dare - to follow their own hearts, to give all they've got to bring about their own dreams. That is also the secret of happiness. And, a truly happy person will always wish happiness, fulfillment and well being upon others. We all share with the world what we've got - what we are - intentionally and unintentionally. A person who truly feels good about himself will desire others to feel good. A person who lives his life in fear will desire other people to live in fear - in well-meaning people, this can take form of "protecting you" from getting hurt. Choose your friends wisely. They can propel you to reach the stars, or they can take you down the drain with them.Take some time EVERY DAY to DO SOMETHING that seems a bit "impossible" for you. You can only develop your powers and abilities through practice and application. You will not just wake up one morning and become something or somebody else. You'll change and grow and become more by daily exercising the powers and abilities you have (if you don't use them, you lose them), by stretching beyond and overcoming your limitations step by step. Begin with smaller ones and move toward bigger. This will condition your subconscious mind for success and the mastery of each new ability will get easier and easier - until each one becomes a part of you, an unconscious process, which you'll be able to do automatically, without thinking - just like you're able to walk and talk.Dr. Laura De Giorgio is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner. She has created hundreds of hypnosis, subliminal, supraliminal and supraliminal plus recordings in several languages. She also publishes a free inspiring, informative and motivational hypnosis newsletter designed to help you learn how to use your mind power successfully and offers many free hypnosis downloads at
Keyword : dreams, goals, achieve, manifest, mind power, self-hypnosis
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