วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The End of Work and a New Age: Building a Vision for Happiness

Author : Robin Henry
After 46 years of working non-stop for a variety of employers as an hour-for-salary employee, my vision for my future is to refocus (I don't like retire) after my current employment contract ends.Retirement for me occurs when one is either too ill or too frail to do anything; one simply fills in each day waiting to return to the great void from which we all come. Death that ends this life and returns us to our real existence as a non-physical entity. Of course, we don't know whether we do in fact return to our "real" selves, or move to an alternative reality. For all we know, death might really be death … black, unfeeling, empty non-existence. But, hey, it's not time for that yet. There's a grandson, daughter, son and wife to love, friends to cherish, mountains to climb, red wine to drink … and another life to live. The life of refocusing!That refocused life … the life of My Vision runs something like this:I own my house, the stuff that fills it, and have sufficient money to live comfortably and have the occasional treat. Money, although not the main focus of my life, is attracted because of its necessity: no money, no fun!My Internet business adds considerably to my pension income and occasionally I do a paid teaching session or presentation. Occasionally these are sessions I produce and at other times, sessions for others. These help me to keep my mind well tuned and to socialise with people.There is always spare money with which to help my family or others less fortunate. My need for money these days relates only to subsistence, material belongings no longer influence me because I know they are both unnecessary and intransitory.One day per week I help someone else, but I don't believe in charity. Charity holds individuals back from achieving their true potential. As long as you keep doing for or giving to people, they will not grow and develop the skills to look after themselves. The evidence for this is plentiful, especially in the African countries. The way forward is to help people to help themselves.Every day I exercise and because of my positive mental attitude, my health continues to be excellent. By expecting to be healthy and making an effort to exercise, eat well and 'think' healthy, I am feeling exceptionally well at any age.My grandson Tory, is my new best friend. By now, we've known each other for seven years and even in that short time we've developed a deep love and rapport for each other that makes me feel we have known each other forever. I'm his male role model, a substitue for his absent father. He delights me with his innocence and interest in everything with which he comes into contact. I'm astonished at how quickly he grasps complex concepts and new language. He accepts me for who I am and doesn't care that I'm ageing, balding, and that parts of me are starting to ache with arthritis, that I'm less tolerant and get cranky now and then.When he gets real close and unexpectedly hugs me and says, "I love you Pop", the thought passes my mind that I love my grandson so much I should have had him first. As if that were possible! He's often on my mind when I fall to sleep.When I wake up early, I prepare a pot of coffee, switch on my computer, get dressed in my exercise gear, hop on my bicycle and ride off into yet another beautiful Central Australian sunrise. My iPod fills my ears with my favourite music as I ride and my pulse quickens. The fresh, morning air fills my nostrils. The sky is typically cloudless and stark blue. I look at the ancient McDonnel Ranges with their blue, green hue and I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of fortune and happiness. And gratitude. Life is grand. How is it that I am so fortunate to be part of such a wonderful scheme?On return home I switch on my coffee pot and check my email. I've only made eight sales overnight, but the day has just begun. I quickly delete the junk mail and after pouring my first cup of coffee answer the several legitimate emails that have arrived from clients. Soon after, I manage to get in a few minutes reading "The Australian" newspaper online. Within a few seconds, everyone else in our house seems to have arisen and my peace is shattered. But not to worry, they'll all go away soon leaving Tory and me to ourselves.Sure enough they do. My wife still does a few shifts as a midwife at the local hospital; daughter works 8-5 at her shop and I have the enviable task of preparing breakfast for my grandson and me and then dropping him off at school.That done, my day is mine at least until 3.00 pm when I have to pick him up. What will I do today? A bit of writing, some reading and maintenance on my site? Or perhaps I'll phone a mate and meet for coffee and a chat about the cost of living, high taxation and dysfunction of government policy. Ahh, if only I were Prime Minister for a day …. Maybe I'll just do some housework. Who cares, I have few demands on my time now.I sit in my comfortable chair, put my legs up onto a table to think about my agenda for today and I'm reminded of Richter's words:"Like a morning dream life becomes more bright the longer we live and the reason of everything appears more clear; what has puzzled us before seems less mysterious and the crooked paths look straighter as we approach the end".After 46 years of work, I figure I've deserved a rest.Copyright Robin Henry 2005Robin Henry is an educator, human resources specialist and Internet marketer. He helps small to middle-sized businesses and individuals improve performance by accessing smart technology and processes and personal development. He runs his business Desert Wave Enterprises from Alice Springs, Central Australia and can be found at http://www.dwave.com.au
Keyword : retirement,refocus,old age,ageing,senior citizens,new opportunity,vision,mission
