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Develop Your Awareness: Tips For Noticing Daily Gifts and Opportunities

Author : Melissa Wadsworth
Busyness. Autopilot mode. Task-driven days. Limiting habits and routines. Electronic dependency. Each of these things can dull our innate sense of curiosity. They can stifle the wonder we feel about the world around us -- even hamper our personal growth goals. And that robs us of some of the joy and energy we could be getting from daily life. So a little reprogramming may be in order. Try these five exercises to sharpen your awareness skills. They should give you a greater sense of appreciation, make you feel more connected to the good life, and help you to start each day with a fresh perspective that keeps you inspired.
Keep a "Caught My Attention Today" log. Make a commitment to notice something new each day. It might be a particular home in your neighborhood that you pay particular attention to. It could be a new store in town or a touching interaction between a parent and child. Perhaps what catches your eye is the vibrant color of the ocean or the geometric shapes of the buildings downtown. You can make notations in your daily planner, jot down notes on a Post-It, or dedicate an entire journal to your observations. Each day offers numerous visual gifts that inspire us. Be sure you're receiving yours.Pay Attention to Words and Phrases That Resonate with You. We all have chances to get to know ourselves better. One way to do that is to be clear about what interests you, about what matters. Be observant. Sometimes an overheard conversation, a line in a book, a quote from a magazine interview or dialogue in a movie can clue you in to a special interest or an idea with particular appeal. When something resonates, give yourself a couple of minutes to ponder why. This can help to remind you about a topic you find interesting, a belief that you cherish or a personal quality you'd like to develop. Remember, what we notice matters.Play Photographer. Try this experiment. For two weeks carry a camera around with you, in your car or in your purse. Make a point of taking photographs of items of interest or scenes of beauty. Even if you only take one photograph each day, you will become more tuned in to your surroundings. You will begin to look for photo-worthy things to photograph. And, that should quite naturally develop your sense of awareness and appreciation for the interesting components of your world, your life. If carrying a camera is not your thing, then just practice pausing for a minute or two in your day and survey the scene in front of you. Then ask yourself: "If I had a camera what would I photograph?" Think about why it has caught your attention, and what you like or dislike about the object of your observation.Nurture Your People Connections. Make a point of interacting to a greater degree with at least one person each day. Get to know your local hardware or garden store attendant who always has helpful advice. Perhaps there is a new neighbor to meet or a networking meeting you can attend. Chat people up. Send out good energy. Each day is full of opportunities to increase awareness. Feel more connected. Meet the interesting and diverse people who populate your existence.Grab Opportunities to Help Others. Too often even when we notice things we might do to help others (friends, coworkers, clients, strangers) we fail to take action. If a toy drops out of a baby carriage run it to the mother who didn't notice losing it. Assist an elderly person with opening a door. Let a driver struggling to merge get in front of you in traffic. Small helpful efforts can mean a big difference in how successful you feel at the end of the day. You may end up making someone else's day and your own as well.Copyright 2006 Melissa WadsworthMelissa Wadsworth is a self-help author specializing in creative awareness and personal growth topics. Read more about her latest book Small Talk Savvy at: http://www.melissawadsworth.com/BookExcerpt.html Join her "Living Awareness" newsletter mailing list at: http://www.melissawadsworth.com/ and receive a FREE copy of "Personal Insights: Seven Steps to Empowering Yourself."
Keyword : Awareness, connected, perspective, photographs, inspired
