Author : Rickie Stk
What person can live each day and not face the grave? We all have one thing in common for sure. We can die at any moment, any day.
How can this be inspirational or motivational? Good question.
It is something we all would rather ignore. That is, our own end of life. But if we see that we are here like a vapor that is gone with the morning sun then maybe we can give more. Maybe thinking about our end of life is depressing and paralyzing.One thing to know about all this is that telling someone you love them, holding the hand of someone who needs support or giving a hug is something that can't wait.Yes, are you tired of having everybody (it seems) telling you that you should do this or that? It seems we don't have enough time to read about all the "things to do" let alone have the time to do them.It is very true. But what we all need to see is that there are priorities in life that are "priorities of humanity". These are the basic things that make life worth!
You don't have to go buy it, earn it or search for it. It is all within you.
It is your capacity to show love, compassion and to share the "real you" that you were created to be.
OK, I sound like a hippie from the 60's, which, altogether is not that bad! But it is a message that has been going on since people were on this planet.
What has this to do with your short life and death?
You love someone, tell him or her. If you want someone tell him or her you want him or her. If you want then give.
Because life is too short and you will not remembered for what you said but what you did.
Everyday we all face the grave. But take that as a place of transition and not destination.TAKE CARE,
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วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551
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