วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Time Backwards is 'E M I T'

Author : Ina Bliss
To the manifestation of the law that is no respecter of persons, or 'the loaves and fish diet', emission of your 0-100% faith is all that matters, then be yourself and leave the rest to God (be -- lieve). When Jesus The Christ, our senior exemplifier, re-activated any perfection from 'sickness', 'lack', or 'death', He displayed to our Father, without whom nothing can be done, 100% faith. NOTHING depends upon 'time'. Any theory relying on 'time' is hereby disproved, and the opposite established.The diet of bread & wine however, is different, and only those who were pre-determined, just like the actors in a play, will perform their role in God's plot, as the scriptures correctly describe. These persons, who were called and drafted to lead humanity, had to receive Grace from God in order to be able to UNDERSTAND HIS WISDOM AND ENACT IT, in the same way Jesus The Christ demonstrated.Only those who have been given the initiation from above (as Jesus The Christ told Pilate) can possibly hold true God-power, the power that cannot be bought with money. They also have been given the understanding to 'GIVE GRACE' to all others by overriding and superseding their incurrent situation of lack, 'old' age and 'sickness'. However, that is not all they must do. They also must completely forget about themselves, their boils and bruises, and require nothing for themselves, just as the New Testament prophesies, for most of the events there described have yet to happen.The word evil backwards is 'L I V E'. Yes, death will be overcome, right here on earth, by re-imagining, or animating 'dead' people, because their image never dissolved. Their image, substance, or essence had been created, before the world was. It is here to stay. However, when they laid down their lives, assuming there was 'another' place to which they had to go, but right here, where theo m n i present Godis, and from where He has never left, they LOST THEIR OWN VOICE. They did not consider that God IS the coffin, God IS the mourners, God IS the worms that supposedly eat us. He IS also the 'consuming' fire. All commensurate with WHAT one believes.The Nigerian pastor, whose wife remembered Hebrews 'and wives will receive their husbands back', was resurrected before a large audience after 48 hours had passed, upon the destruction of his 'body' in a car accident. How? The wife re-imagined him alive. What was resurrected in perfect condition? His image, with his unique likeness (contradicting ANY idea of re-incarnation into another, whatsoever).Nothing dies in perfection, which should be obvious, b e c a u s e otherwise, the perfect would NOT be perfect.To 'BE' is to 'CAUSE', thus the perfect Creator, who created everything in the first 6 days, could only have created perfect images. And, as any (movie) director, He knew the OUTCOME, before He begun the plot.In the diet of bread and wine, a selection is being made according to spiritual facts. As long as an individual is still not fully aware of God-power and in accordance with this unawareness(1) Accumulates money(2) Prepares larger plans for earthly events(3) Wants and desires to 'get' more and more(4) Thinks of 'getting' rich, even though we already OWN everything in Abraham(5) Believes in 'elsewhere', although the bible only speaks
of the H E R E afterEtc.simply to suit himself, he or she cannot possibly be part of the last generation and follow Jesus The Christ. There is no room for such in the book of life, which contains the whole image of those who advance human awareness of perfection.The outcome of God's plot is now in the process of being fully revealed, and will soon no longer be a mystery. Most importantly, the book of Esther will be literally enacted, in a spiritually factual fashion.The second resurrection is now possible, as the first human has acquired the true understanding of the scripture, and is applying it in the way of Job and Jesus The Christ, by giving grace to all and accumulating God-power in return, to the full degree of possibility and rising.What would any one give me, when I have materialized Washington, Einstein and Emerson for a quiet afternoon talk of enticing memories? Their 'weight' in gold...Dr. Ina Bliss is a pioneering possibility thinker, who was drafted without prior awareness and even certified in writing to lead humanity into eternal life, by application of true scriptural wisdom & its instant manifestation. http://www.telechurch.org
Keyword : wealth, manifestation, results, scripture, bible, power, self control, esteem, confidence
