วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

We Are Already Enlightened: Part One

Author : Alison Forsyth
Just finished listening to my homemade binaural CD. Here's my experience: I seemed to sink into a deeper understanding that being present in the body meant becoming more fully aware of every inch of my body from inside, and this time I became aware of "outside" tensions, a kind of tightness, or closed-ness. I found areas where it felt almost as if I was being blocked from going into them by a tension. As if there were "darkness" there, an uncomfortable sense of oppression. I felt this particularly around my torso, strongest at my solar plexus. It felt like despair, tremendous sorrow. I allowed it just to be, and felt it as deeply as I could without actually playing it, or acting it out.Remembering what I learned from Caroline Myss "Anatomy of Spirit", that the solar plexus focused on "honouring myself", I "expanded" my awareness there to see if I was losing power from lack of self-honour, and it felt true. (Now when I think of that and then realise how often I don't quite seem to see or value who I am without some form of self-criticism or guilt, that makes total sense.) Allowing my focus just to be there, completely "rested" in there and simply "watching", seemed to allow most of the tight feeling to dissipate. Then I thought of what I've learned in Jin Shin Jyutsu: that all feelings have their unique energy resonance, and depending what kind of a feeling it is and to what kind of a thought or belief it is attached determines what part of the body is affected; and the simple act of bringing full focus there without judgement or wanting it to be any different from what it is seems to give permission for disharmonious "energy" to smooth out and stuck energy to begin to flow, which of course would mean that the untrue thoughts and beliefs which are that disharmony will begin to unravel as well – hence enlightened insights!I understood, for the first time, the true meaning of the words, "We are already enlightened". It made absolute sense. The very nature of existence means nothing can exist at all which is not essentially whole. All else is illusion. It is untrue beliefs and thoughts we hold that OBSCURE the whole from our own awareness, and there is no TASK for us to perform other than to hold an AWARENESS of our selves. This very awareness – doing and expecting nothing, just a total, accepting awareness – allows light to show up untruths, lifts the veil. All the situations and behaviours that elicit a reaction in us are bright arrows to show where we have an untrue thought or belief. People and situations that push our buttons are truly gifts – their purpose is simply and only to show us where in our bodies an untruth lies, so that we may heal it by witnessing its existence without judgement, without wanting anyone else or any other thing to be any other than how it is – simple! This is the true gift of non-judgement, or unconditional love – it is our path to enlightenment. It gifts us, directly and totally. And, at the same time, it gifts all that is. ALL THAT WE NEED TO DO IS ACCEPT IT – WHOLLY AND COMPLETELY.Easier said than done of course, but now that I have a deeper sense of why this is, it will be so much more exciting to put into practice. Keeping a large measure of my awareness within my body is one thing when I am meditating, but another thing completely when a driver in front of me putters along at 50km when the limit is 60km…Alison Forsyth
www.kwantumliving.comAlison Forsyth (http://www.kwantumliving.com) qualified in ReiFlexology through the ReiFlexology Healing Academy of S.A.
She is a Reiki Master in the Usui System of Natural Healing; a Mile Graduate of Insight Training Center; is currently studying and practicing Qigong and Jin Shin Jyutsu, and beginning NLP training.
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