Author : Vivian Gordon
The Bible foretells of the end of days, and how we are to be
prepared for Christ's return for His church, (you and me who
are the body of Christ here on this planet.) We all have a job
to do. He says however, He is returning for a bride who is to
be spotless, without wrinkle or blemish. What does that
mean? Just this, we are not to be living in the world once we
have given ourselves to Him.Then the Bible goes on to say how after He has taken us all
up in the air, at that time we will come face to face with the
living God and stand (or fall) before Him to answer ALL the
questions about what we did with our lives here on earth to
exalt His mighty name. (Hmmm, that's something to really
think about.)After that, there be will an uprising of the anitchrist who will
rule over the ones left in a 7 year Tribulation period. Not one
I care to be present for. After that, God will then bring all
those into His Great White Throne of Judgement and
declare those who are still dead in sin and cast away
forever into the Lake of Fire. Peace and tranquility will be the
new world as King Jesus sits on the throne.God will destroy this planet with fire, an explosion known as
Armageddon and Christ will return to rule in the New
Jerusalem on a planet that was created for perfection, as
He made it for Adam and Eve. This sounds like a number
one sci-fi, but as bizarre as it sounds, it's for real. This no. 1
thriller can be read in the Bible. It's the truth...believe it. Don't
be deceived by what anyone may tell you otherwise. Read it
for yourself.Let's consider the latest disaster that struck our brothers
and sisters in New Orleans and surrounding cities. First of
all, don't be led astray by "Mother Nature". There is no such
thing. God controls every aspect of nature from the rain to
the single snow flake.So, in this case, did He cause this hurricane? Let's consider
what He says in the 37th chapter of the book of Job. This
chapter lets us know that God is in control of nature and the
laws in which His Majesty reigns. It describes the roaring of
His thundering voice. It makes me think about the
description of the tsunami when it came roaring and
thundering upon the land, it sounded like a freight train!"Therefore will I also deal in fury; Mine eye shall not spare,
neither will I have pity; and though they cry in Mine ears with
a loud voce, yet will I not hear them." Ezek. 8:18 KJV"Therefore thus saith the Lord, 'Behold, I will bring evil upon
them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though
they shalll cry unto Me, I will not hearken unto them'."
Jer. 11:11 KJVThese are sobering words, but God said them nonetheless.
But take notice, they are warnings of what will happen IF
people won't repent. He is giving us a chance. He will
do these things unless we turn back to Him and walk away
from our sinful nature. It's our choice, and we have to realize
that there are deadly consequences that God does promise
to fulfill.I have not always been a person who trusted in God and
believed that everything that happened was His doing. But, I
thank Him everyday that He has transformed me into His
truth by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our Christian walk is not
meant to be wandering around in the dark, asking
questions. He gave us His Way, Truth and Light. In opening
up His Word, He shows us the path we must take and will
light it up so we won't slip into darkness. In other words, He
will give us all the answers so that we won't be confused by
the lies of this world. It's a dark place and getting darker all
the time.He tells us not to rely on our own understanding, because it
would be dangerous. We are not in control of our own
destinies. When something so devestating as Hurricane
Katrina strikes, it's meant to wake us up. We then can see
our human frailty and that we are not in control of anything.
We can then begin to see God for who He really is. He
wants us to praise Him, give Him our gratitude. He also
promises that "everything will work together for the good to
those who love Him and are called according to His
purpose." Rom. 8:28Don't you think that some of these lives that will be rebuilt
can be used to His glory? One single life that is transformed
can change many more. Could this be God's plan?God gave us all a will, a mind, and emotions to use as we
choose. But to remain in the world is to be sinful and also to
remain in deceipt of a deadly force who opposes God. It's
Satan's agenda to keep us in the dark and on the road to
destruction. This is not my choice now that I walk in the light.I truly believe from reading God's word, that He gives us
wake up calls, because the subtle things seem to go
unnoticed. We have been hitting the snooze button. Sadly it
takes an earth shaddering event to get our attention.You may say, "God is Love." He is all about love, but He also
is slow to anger and will eventually get angry. He is patient
but will eventually lose that too. God is jealous and will not
condone us paying tribute to anything or anyone but Him. He
demands our full attention, nothing else is acceptable to
Him. This country was founded on Him and was fought to
keep us free to choose Him. But as of late, we have walked
away from this belief as we are letting everything that
revolves around Him be taken away and in the name of
freedom, we are gradually losing it. God is saddened by our
cold natures, and seeing that we have turned our backs to
Him. But, He knows better.As a result, He is saying, "Wake up while you still have a
chance!" Yes, He is giving us a chance to turn back to Him."He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is
filthy; let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be
righteous still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And
behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give
every man according as his work shall be. I Am the Alpha
and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the
last. Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they
may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through
the gates into the city." Rev. 22:11-14 KJVMake no mistake, God says what He means and means
what He says. He is the same today, yesterday and forever.
There are no exceptions and we can't make excuses for the
laws He has set before us. He says we are "blessed",
which means empowered to prosper in His name when we
humble ourselves and follow Him. It's our choice, do we
plea innocent by the blood of Jesus or do we plea guilty of
being a sinner?If you're not sure of your salvation, why not ask God to forgive
you today of all your sins? After all, only He knows how
much time is left for us. He promise tomorrow to no one.God has a plan for your life. Give it to Him and live for Him.
You will then begin to see things in a whole new and
exciting light!That is what on earth is happening. Don't wait another
minute to tell Him how much you love Him and want to live
for His Son Jesus who paid the price for your sins!Vivian Gordon, an inspired writer of God's Word. She
believes in the conformation of the Holy Spirit to lead her as
she writes to bring the good news to readers who may not
realize who Christ the Savior is in their lives. It's never too
late to come to Him and humbly admit your sins. Let Him
enter in. Can you hear Him knocking? Answer Him today.
Keyword : Catastrophies, Hurricane, Katrina, Inspirational, Repentance, Word of God, Nature, Tribulation, God
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