วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

A True Birthday is When You...

Author : Sharmila Sanka
A person on the Day of his birth is born not with the wealth or fame but with the invisible garland of actions of his past incarnations around his neck. Every being is destined to face his past and learn the life lessons in his present life in order to have a better future life.Every action he performs has a reaction, for this world is full of reactions. So he ought to take utmost care to perform his duties and responsibilities on this earth plane. Thinking is also an action and he has to be cautious of what he thinks. The way he lives his life determines his death. So he has to have good thoughts at all times in order to remember God at his last moments. He has to smile at life at all times despite his sorrows, for the photographer called GOD might click his picture at any time to hang it in Heaven.Every birth has a purpose. Being born as a human being, man is gifted with the greatest gifts of Choice and Discrimination. Man is wise enough to discriminate between good and bad. He has to choose that which is good but not that which is pleasing. The ultimate aim of a human being is to reach his birth place called 'God' to experience the divine bliss which is eternal.It is only when he realizes his life purpose of remaining human at heart all his life will he move from immorality to immortality, darkness to light and from sorrow to happiness. Every human being should question himself- who am I? Why am I born? He is eligible to celebrate his true birthday only when he realizes he is not a human being but one with God; only when he realizes that he is not the body but the actual soul with in himself and when he experiences the same selfless feeling that the soul in all the beings is one and the same though the forms differ. He has to celebrate his Birthday only when he experiences the true bliss of Union with God for the first time after his Birth. It is then that God Himself appears and says –"Happiness has now taken Birth in you. Happy Birthday my Child''Happy Birthday' wish should remind every human being about his life purpose on earth. – Sharmila SankaI am Sharmila Sanka whose hobby is to write articles to enlighten my mind and that of others. I wrote hundreds of articles, short stories, inspiring quotations and poems.
My articles got published in the news paper - 'Arkansas Democrat Gazette' in ARKANSAS.
Keyword : Birthday, actions
