Author : Richard Cannon
There are many who say that downshifting is something someone does in their 50's when they can afford to take out their good early pension and play around in other things.I'm sure there are people to whom this applies but not all.
My pension is one third per annum of what my rent, council tax, electricity, phone and water bills come to ! Then comes the road tax. MOT, Insurance for the van and public liability etc.. This is before eating as well!Downshifting is also, too often, associated only with people packing up the city and buying a smallholding to 'play farming'. Well, I've heard of various instances; the Stockbroker who brought a Model Railway Shop, the BT Manager who's now a Weaver and the successful up-market Car Salesman who now runs a village store. Every one has their own 'Good Life'.
We can't escape the fact that the most important thing to consider before making any move is financial. It's probably this which makes it more possible to downshift if you've accrued a good private pension over some years.It's a combination of 'what do I want' and 'what have I got'.
Certainly, I would never advise anyone simply giving it all up one day without a period of planning and thinking.
Let's go into some of the subject matters;Why ?Some people thrive on the stress and strains of the 'fast lane' and those types are important because without them we'd all be Basket Weavers !
But for some, it's going with the flow when deep down we have an itch to really do something we want to do. We have a dream and this dream becomes stronger until such time as the existing job just becomes routine , affects our health and often the family life as well.This is when the urge kicks in, sitting on a train which is 30 minutes late after a 12 hour day in the office where you've achieved nothing or you have achieved something and got no thanks for it.
You want the right of life to lead your own destiny - life is not a practice run.At the end of the day, only you know 'why'.Family and FriendsIt's no good doing it if the family can't come along as well and you have the full backing of them, especially your partner. With them on board, you're more than half way there because they will enjoy your enthusiasm, share your ups, share your downs and it'll be for you all and not just for you.If you're in a really well paid job and and your socialising reflects this, you'll soon find who your real friends are ! I've lost a few but I've gained so many. Most will think you've 'thrown a wobbly' but - so what !!!PlanningIf you're in work and pretty safe, you've got loads of time to plan. This is where the frugality comes in. You can start start living the life you will be after the event. Slowly build that up until, when the change happens, you won't notice it so much. Choose the worst scenario and live like that for a while. I spent almost two years building up my dream and the day itself was like walking from one room into another.FinanceThis is always going to be the ugly bit. Often, because of 'agism' , people are forced into a kind of downshifting situation. You're over 50, lost your good job and the only thing going is a shop assistants job. But if you've planned it, the pain is less.Again, work out a pretty awful scenario for your first year and work a business plan around it. I'm sure the Bank have seen it all before when the happy smiling downshifter walks in and says' yeah, no problem mate' !! You show them the worse situation and you will avoid the offers of Bank loans which are all too easy not to refuse.
I had some savings and put away the first years rent on my property. I used this until such time I didn't need it - it acted as a cushion and lessened some of the worrying.Gone are the regular cheques coming in and in are the cash flow problems and waiting for the money. I go on the 'think small' theory. The larger companies take ages to pay you but if you've downshifted into the public service domain, make sure you get the 'pay as you work' jobs. This has been my main problem and I now try to plan weeks where I'm working half invoice and half paid on completion jobs.You can also lessen the blow by having a part-time job as well. Although you might be earning less pro rata than doing the real job, it's a steady income you know you're going to get.PrideI've put this in because I think we all have ego's and it's perfectly natural.You've had umpteen years of saying "I'm a senior manager with 200 staff, a company car and a holiday in Africa every year". Now you're saying "I'm a gardener and odd job man".Surely quality of life is happiness, contentment and going to bed saying "I like this". If you've got that, you are a proud and privilaged person.But it is something to consider.SummaryFor seven years I loved my job on the railway, I worked with many fantastic people who made me laugh, made me work well and motivated me into doing, what I felt, a pretty good job. Before the railway I constantly had work which I liked doing - I was lucky I guess.
But I always said, the day I wake up and say "Oh God, I've got to go to work today", I'd give up and find something else.Nothing against anyone on the railway (well, except one or two!), that day came and it wasn't a one off. I was thinking it every morning and it became apparent in my health and wellbeing. That was the trigger.
It says in the 'Good Book', 'If you wait for the wind and for the rain to be just right, you will never sow anything or harvest anything'.
So no time is exactly the right time but you can get pretty close to it by thinking it through.
I'd never go back !!Author: Richard CannonArticle taken from, a popular web site written through the personal experience of downshifting from Railway Management and achieving a happier and more peaceful state of mind through frugality, garden farming and doing jobs YOU want to do, rather than what other people want you to do !
Keyword : career downshifting, downshifting, less stressful life, frugality, escape rat race, work, downsizing
วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551
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