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How to Conquer Hopelessness, Fear and Self Pities

Author : Entjik Jeffrie
I was thinking about 3 things that hold and chain most people down from reaching their full potential and from achieving their goals in life as I sat there for 3 to 6 hours in my wisdom study room. I kept asking myself, "How can I help these people who are being held back from enjoying their life to the fullest and I was thinking on how I can help those people who feel helpless and unmotivated to do their best?"Some of you have had a broken heart, a loss of loved ones, a loss of job, a loss of hope and it seems like your life is going no where. I am here right now, standing right beside you, I am here right now as you read this article and I will try to get you back on your feet again, so you can move again and find hope for your life!Hold on to your seat right now, because today will be your happiest day ever! Today is the day that you've been created to conquer! Your fear, sense of hopelessness; sadness and self-pity ever will be cast away from you!I want you to lift your face up, I want you to smile wide with hope, face the struggles you're going through with courage, and with believe that you will make it through this day!Today, you are a new person! Today, your strength and courage will be renewed! Today, you can have the power to change your present circumstances.From my reading, listening and long prayer hours, I learned that there are 3 negative powerful forces that will stop from you cold from doing the things that you are supposed to be doing in your life today, so you can improve your circumstance and your life today!#1 the Force of HopelessnessHope is what keeps most men and women alive today! Without hope a lot of men and women actually take their life because he/she can no longer or purpose in his/her life.Listen to me carefully right now as you read this article. Everything that is created in this universe and on this face of the earth has a purpose! A key is designed and created to lock and unlock a door or a gate. A garbage truck is designed and created to collect garbage and to bring the garbage to the landfill area. The air that you and I are breathing right now is designed and created to sustain life on this earth! The sun is designed and created as the source of the energy that keeps every living organism on this planet alive!The feeling of hopelessness is a very negative force in our life and it lies to us! It deceives you! So never ever rely on your feelings! Feelings are very deceiving, especially the feeling of hopelessness.So how do I conquer the hopelessness force? Listen to what I am about to tell you and stick it in your heart and mind! You are created and designed for a great purpose! Your life today is significant! So never ever think that your life has no purpose because your life is significant and important!There will be up and down in our life, but nothing in this world stays permanent unless you let them to be permanent. After the rain, the sun will shine again!You have the power to change your circumstances and life right in your very own hands, but you must make the decision to use that power to change your circumstances today."Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices: my flesh also shall rest in hope." Psalm 16:9
"Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD." Psalm 31:24#2 the Force of Fears From thousands of conversations I have with people and messages from people who feel hopeless, they will tell me that they are scared of something and they fear something.The most fear that most Americans have today is the fear of public speaking and the fear of the unknown and their future.Fear comes when we expect a loss, it can be a loss of money, a job, a spouse or even a loss of your own life. For example, one day you find the courage to go to a sky diving class, the day is bright and everything goes well in the airplane until the sky diving instructor opens the airplane door. Your mind goes wild and it starts to think about the parachute if it doesn't open after you jump; you may fall down to your death if that happens! The fear of losing your life kicks in, as soon as you expect to lose your life. Do you lose your life? No, you haven't, but you already have the expectation of a loss.The quickest cure for the fear of the future and the unknown is, knowing that you only live today. You may not be there tomorrow, but you can do something about tomorrow today.If you are scared not to have money tomorrow, you can help your friend to clean up his/her house and he will pay you for your service and then you will have money tomorrow.If you are scared of your health when you are old, you can start living healthy today. Listen to this, you may be abusing your body so much today because you are still young by drinking too much alcohol, eating junk food, smoking, and not giving your body enough sleep or rest. I can assure you that you will pay a heavy price for abusing your body. It's just a friendly reminder, after all you my friend own your body and you are the only one who has the power to do what ever you please with it. You will reap of what you sow.If you are scared not to have a job tomorrow, well you can start looking for a different job today, so you can have a job tomorrow.If you are scared of public speaking, you can take a public speaking class. I graduated with a B.A. in communication, because I had the fear of not being able to communicate with other people effectively, so I decided to study the art of communication and relationship. You can conquer your fear by educating yourself and by giving yourself the proper knowledge and wisdom on the things that you fear the most! Today I can speak in front of hundreds or even thousand of people without having to get scared about it.Every thing in life that is worth while has a price to pay! If you want to become very successful in life, you must be willing to pay the price! People who want something great in their life for nothing are fools.Remember this my friend, the past is already in the past, you can not do anything about it, tomorrow is not yet there, but today is the day that you can make the things that you want tomorrow, you can do something today to get what you want tomorrow."Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10#3 the Force of Self PitiesThis is one of the most powerful forces that will chain you down from going anywhere. Most people have been hurt or wronged by their friends, loved ones and strangers. They can sit there and remembering everything that was done wrong to them in the past and go no where or they can forget about it and move on!Listen to me on this! It's very serious problem that most people have today is self pities. A lot of people become bitter because they are unable to overcome this problem! If you notice when we get into self pities, we tend to get angry to people who genuinely want to help us to solve our problems. Have you met someone who is so deep into his/her self-pity, he/she are so bitter or angry about anything and every thing in his/her life? It's not a good way to make friends or to solve his/her problems when he/she becomes angry so easily.One of the greatest American presidents was Abraham Lincoln. Every time I read and listen to his life story, tears will begin to fill my eyes. All kind of bad things had happened to Abraham Lincoln, even the woman whom he loved passed away! He had the right to be bitter to everyone who had done him dirty, but Abraham Lincoln rose to greatness because he didn't let those bad things to keep him down from achieving the greatness that he was meant to be! Abraham Lincoln didn't just sit, cry and talking about all the bad things that happened to him but he increased his will power and decided to press on forward toward his dreams and goals!We do make a bad decision sometimes, but remember this; you also make a lot of great decisions in your life! When you do make a bad judgment or decision, learn from it. Cultivate knowledge and wisdom from the bad experience."The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7High achievers don't keep looking at their present circumstances, but they keep looking at their future. They keep concentrating at what they can become in the future. Every day, they will keep increasing their knowledge and wisdom, so they don't have to fear anything that comes their way!"A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel," Proverbs 1:5Remember this; it doesn't take a smart person to know this, but you can drown by staying too long underneath the water. You must get out of the water and breath!Surround yourself with positive people, read book and inspiring books, watch good and inspiring movies and listen to inspirational CDs/tapes. Do anything positive to get yourself back up from self pities. You can do it!# Great things are just ahead of you!Now you are at the end of this article and I want to share something that I learned from my hours of study and prayer that has helped me greatly personally. It's from the book of Philippians 3:13 from the Holy Bible."Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead," Philippians 3:13Please pay attention to this statement word per word, "forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead"Every time we wake up in the morning, we are in control of making the decision to become a bitter person or a better person! And every decision you make that day will make who you are that day.Smile my friend; smile my friend because the best things in your life today are just ahead of you! Your future is coming and you must press on and reach for those things which are ahead of you! Let the past be buried completely, don't let the negative experiences of the past and the past failures hold you down from reaching toward the great things that are just ahead of you!© Copyright 2005 Pebden.com, Author: Entjik Jeffrie, All Rights Reserved. (No rights given to modify this articles in any ways/Permission must be granted before it can be published)
Keyword : Hopeless, hopelessness, how to conquer fear, sorrow, sadness, smile again, hope for the future
