วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Letting Go Is Powerful

Author : Doreene Hamilton
At times in life we get disappointed. You put time in at a job only to get laid off without warning. You open your heart to someone and they abuse it. You trust someone and they let you down. These feelings that come from these experiences can be devastating. I won't sit here and say just get over it. But what I will say is do not allow it to consume you and stop you from being the great person that you are. Yes, bad things happen to good people more often than bad things happen to bad people. There's no rhyme or reason to that equation. The one thing that you do have power over is you. It's not what happens to you, it's how you react to what happens to you. When something occurs that dampens your spirit, be with it. Don't try to pretend that you're not angry, disappointed, or crushed. Play your sad songs, eat your comfort foods, sit home and watch your movies. Do whatever you do when you get into that dark space and do it with gusto. Give yourself a time period of how long you plan to waddle in it, three days, a week, a month. Be clear with this and stick with it and when the time is up let it go. Put the food away, turn off the songs and the movies and prepare to step back into your greatness.Get a writing pad and a good pen and prepare to write about the awesome experience you just had that is allowing you to grow. Answer the following questions honestly and fully.1. How did this situation start? Give complete details on how this situation came into being. Where you met. How you were introduced to the company.2. What were you expecting from it? What did you want to get from this experience?3. What happened? The gory details. Don't edit yourself get it all out and on paper.4. What did you learn? Dig deep and include the negative and the positive results.5. How can you grow from this? In this answer, only write down positive ways you can grow from this experience. If necessary pretend you are talking about someone else that this happened to and you're giving them advise.Then write down "I forgive name the person or company or whatever it is for their involvement in my lesson in life. They were just a vehicle for my future greatness and I thank them and release them. I now call my greatness forth with love." Then tear it up, burn the paper in an ash tray and flush the ashes down the toilet.What you just did was powerful. You acknowledged the entire experience. What you expected, what you experienced what you felt, what you learned and how you can grow from it. Then you forgave and released the experienced from your vibration. You no longer have to relive it over and over. Once you've done this, you open yourself up to a blessing. When you can forgive people, places, or situations you release the power they have over you and in essence, you get your power back.Always remember, you are a powerful light on the planet. Things may happen that may temporary dim your light, but never let anyone or anything keep you from shining and being the magnificence of who you are. You are powerful!Doreene Hamilton is a speaker, author, and transformational teacher.
She is the author of "Spiritually Speaking,Get Over It!"
Keyword : love, heartbreak, happiness, relationships, letting go, divorce, valentine's day
