วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Being Relatable in Today's World as a Christian

Author : Dawn Marie Peters
There are reasons we cross paths with those that we do. Sometimes its SO obvious, because we have walked a mile or two in what that person is going thru. But other time's we scratch our head and wonder why. In any case, it's important to be relatable to those around you in life.Over the years I have put together, my own be-attitudes, ways of keeping myself motivated and moving in the right direction. Some of the keys have been taught to me by my Pastors and others that have spoken into my life.Dawn's be-atitudes for making it in today's world:1- Be real-Practice what you wear (bracelets, tshirts, bumperstickers, etc.) or for goodness sakes get rid of them, until you can! It's a process, and just because you are a christian you are not going to have it all together all of the time of course, but let's be practical here.2- Be relatable. Speak normal, elminate the thou's and thus sayeth the lord from grocery line chatter.3- Be authentic-Say what you mean, be honest and dont make promises that you cant or dont want to keep.4- Be Proactive-Never act out of guilt.5- Be personal-Have your own relationship with God, rather than relying on your peers, your parents or others.6- Be thankful and grateful. This keeps our eyes off of others and feeling like someone is getting more than what we have or need. Keeps things in perspective.7- Be informed-Stay up on current events, stay relevent, be flexible, keep a youthful perspective and be ready to move.. God is always on the move, not in yesterday's move, but in today's move.8- Be loving and accepting-Of ourselves and others. Keep your standards without compromising what Jesus encouraged us to do-love.9- Be excited-life is a gift, try to make each day different than the last!10- Be a planner-I have heard say that if you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up there. Make plans, set goals, and get into action!What are your personal "BE's"? What is a "BE" that you need to work on? What "BE" can you share with another to motivate and encourage them?Dawn Peters attends Christian City Church Atlanta. She has been active in the Christian community since a young girl, has taught Bible Studies and lead various youth groups over the years.She is a Self Employed Business Owner and Teacher. She holds a degree in Early Childhood Education, has been certified as a Nurses Aid, was a foster parent for 7 years. Now she owns and operates a Professional Massage Therapy office and also teaches Massage Therapy at a local School and offers private classes as well.Dawn has won several poetry awards over the years and has published articles related to her field -Massage and Bodywork.On a private note-Dawn is married and lives with her husband Mark in Atlanta, GA. They enjoy camping and boating.For more information on Dawn, her business and Massage, please visit: http://www.simplymassagetherapy.com
Keyword : christianity today, being relatable, spiritual, real, today's christian, encouragement, self improve
