วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Awake and Dream Consciousness

Author : Al Bouchard
Have a consciousPartnershipWith your dreamsAnd your dreams Will reward you HandsomelyMeditation is a simple process to be in an awake-dream state of being. In this awake-dream state we have access in a conscious way to many levels of activity in our being.There are very powerful forces within each one of us to which we pay little or no attention. We dismiss them as having little or no meaning in our lives. Dreams is one of these very powerful forces. Every moment of every day, each one of us on earth dreams. We tend to think of dreams as something that we do for a few moments while we are asleep. But the same level of activity that we recognize as a dream actually occurs with each of us every single moment of our lives.I was doing some personal research about my own dreams in the 1970s. I kept a Journal of my dreams as I remembered them. I would also write whatever associations and meanings I could sense in my dreams. In time, my dream recall increased greatly. I sense this was happening because my awake self was cooperating with and wanting to be involved with my dream self in a conscious way.Various things happened during these years with my dreams. At times I knew that I was dreaming. This is called lucid dreaming. One time, I woke up from a dream to reach up and turn on the wall lamp over my bed. Then I realized I had no wall lamp over my bed and woke up again and turned on the light on the table next to my bed. This was a dream within a dream.After a while whenever I woke up, I would have the dream continue for a short time as I lay in bed before getting up. One day this lingering dream activity continued after I got up. The dream continued while I showered, got dressed, ate breakfast and went to work at my desk in my home office. This was a very novel experience for me. But I kept losing my train of thought about my work and several times I had to repeat writing the things I was working on. In mid-afternoon, I had to drive to a meeting about a project I was working on with others. The dream continued as I drove several miles to the meeting. The dream continued throughout the meeting and as I drove back home.I realized after I got home that I was being given a lesson why we are generally not aware of our dreaming self while we are in our waking consciousness. There is too much activity going on between what we see, hear, smell, and sense in our waking world and those things we experience in our dreaming world.The combination of waking and dreaming activity together was OK and fun while showering and eating alone. It was a great distraction while I was trying to make phone calls, writing, or wanting to do my work in my office. The combination of the two was downright dangerous while driving my car. It forced me to focus very hard to drive my car and watch all elements of traffic. My concentration at the meeting I went to was very scattered. I had to differentiate between what others were saying or doing at the meeting and what was happening in my dream.I had a clear understanding when I returned home why I had allowed myself this experience. While awake we need to focus on our earth experience and what is going on here in our lives. I thanked my dream self for the lesson and indicated I did not need to repeat this lesson.Your dream self will always cooperate with you, if you truly want to understand your dream activity and the powerful contribution it provides to you in your daily life.Communication in the dream state can approximate communication in the waking state. But more often communication in the dream state is through symbolism and whatever meaning we can find behind the actions we experience in our dreams. Writing out, journaling, our dreams when we wake up can lead to greater understanding of the meanings, of the symbolism found in our dreams. Meditation, an awake-dream state, is another way to communicate with our own soul, angelic nature. Private, daily meditations greatly improve our awareness of our true nature.The earth and all its manifestation including her people is receiving new spiritual energies. These spiritual energies are steadily increasing our personal awareness of our angelic nature. As we choose to flow with these spiritual energies, we can find ourselves experiencing greater and greater understanding of our true soul, angel nature.The Love and Blessings of the Universe are with you in all ways and at all times. Enjoy them!Al Bouchard is President of Angels of Light Fellowship in Sylva, North Carolina. He has over thirty years experience with meditation, auric energies, and metaphysical concepts. He publishes MYSTIC MEANINGS in his Auric Expressions website where his Whispers can also be found. Al publishes two blogs about spirituality and dreams and their meanings. At the Angels of Light Fellowship web site, he offers free online Meditation Lessons he wrote. Go to auriclight.com/dreams/ to visit his web page with links to his works.
Keyword : dream meanings, dreams, meditation, spiritual growth, metaphysical, self-improvement, spirituality
