วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Case Study - Selection Process

Author : Kenneth Rice
A new principal is torn between hiring two potential applicants. He believes that applicant A is more suitable for the position than applicant B. However, the committee (staff, students, community members) unanimously wanted applicant B. After more comprehensive research into both applicants' references and previous employment, the principal is convinced that applicant A is the most suitable for the position but he obtain this information through confidential means.1. Whose responsibility is it to hire the teachers in a school? The Superintendent and/or the Human Resources Department should hire the teachers with a recommendation from the Principal. Which ever the case, a principal who decides not to follow the committee's unanimous decision should strongly consider notifying his superior what is driving his decision. If applicant A doesn't take the job and the Superintendent and/or HR department decide to hire applicant be, it could backfire if the principal knew of discouraging information that he kept to himself. In other words, cover yourself and don't be the senior person with a secret.2. What is the appropriate role of the committee and how should this be communicated? The committee should assist the Principal in the selection process by: contributing to the selection of candidates for interviews; assisting with the interview; assist the Principal in reference checks and site visits; and make a recommendation on which candidate is most suitable for the position. Once the committee members have been selected, they should receive extensive training on the selection process, professionalism, confidentiality, how to conduct and interview, how to conduct reference checks and site visits, the requirements of the position and the preferred characteristics of the potential candidate.3. What should Mr. Menzies do now? Violate the confidences of others or risk the potential lack of support of committee members? He should recommend the applicant that he feels is most suitable for the position based on interviews, committee recommendations, reference checks and site visits he must explain to the committee that he has additional information from the site visits and comprehensive checks that forces his decision. He should also consider using the selection committee to assist in reference checks and site visits in the future and develop a generic questionnaire for site visits and reference checks and each person gives a brief synopsis of the results of during a selection board.Lieutenant Ken Rice is an Active Duty Naval Officer stationed in Norfolk VA. He is currently assigned to Commander, Naval Surface Force's Warfare Requirments Directorate as the FORCEnet Requirements Officer. Lieutenant Rice is responsible for the program analasys and budget oversight for Information Technology Transformation for the Surface Fleet. He is currently enrolled at Regent University working towards a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership.
Keyword : leadership, diversity, training, managment, multiculturalism, strategy, relationship, leader, lead
