วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Connecting with Nature Mobilizes the Positive

Author : Roberta Barnes
Last summer a friend commented how sad it was that I spent my birthday alone. I did not spend my birthday alone, but began my day in an energizing way with smiles.I hold the belief that birthdays are "our" days, and on "our" days each of us should enjoy those things that bring us smiles. On the morning of "my" day while enjoying a slice of homemade strawberry shortcake I had a front row seat to a fascinating performance. A doe deer stood watching as her twins, still with their spots, tested the flexibly and speed of their own and each other's legs. They darted and pranced across my lawn resembling ballerinas adding hip-hop to go with the beat of the composition by the local songbirds. Not to be out done by the fawns, a warm breeze danced in my window lightly brushing my hair across my face.All too soon the doe reminded her twins the day should not be spent in one place, but turkey chicks immediately picked up the pace. The young turkeys chased each other around my spruce tree with wings flapping, which sent a chipmunk dashing for cover in a stone wall. I had no thoughts of bills that needed to be paid, or birthday parties that would not happen. Nature's actors had captivated my thoughts, and every cell of my whole self was content as I enjoyed my connection with nature. I have learned that nature is around me always, and because nature is so full of life, I am never alone. Many years ago, a wise older woman told me if ever I had any questions I could not find the answers to all I had to do was sit quietly in nature. If I focuse on the answer to the question, and listen carefully I can hear the answer coming to me from the trees. There is much wisdom in nature if time is taken to stop, look, and listen. Through nature we can learn that at times our eyes are the greatest obstacle to seeing, our ears the greatest obstacle to hearing, and knowing comes from our heart. We can enjoy nature alone, or share with another who also enjoys the connection.Walking through my yard I find fragments of shells that baby birds discarded to begin their new life, and plants in all sorts of intriguing sizes, shapes, and colors. Nature is a sensory garden having something to offer each of our receptors that is functioning. However, unless we have learned how to connect with nature we can walk right by those things that can lift our spirits and brighten our days. Wildlife can become motionless as it blends into the environment, thus making it possible for someone to walk by some of the most fascinating things in nature. Connecting with nature gives the presence of mind to notice those fascinating things.Our primary senses depend upon tissues within our body operating in perfect synchronization with other tissues. The synchronization can be thrown off in thousands of ways, but what does not work does not prevent us from enjoying nature if we can connect with nature. Some years ago, I did an exercise of individually covering each of my primary senses for a twenty-four hour period. I gained a new awareness about the world around me by not being able to rely on some senses at different times. This however is something that I would not recommend you try without the by-your-side support of a close friend.Connecting with nature can give a new awareness to all areas of life. The easiest way to learn how to connect with nature is to receive guidelines, and there are many teachers like myself that offer day courses. Once you learn the guidelines you can walk into nature seeing it in an entirely new way that touches all areas of your life. I agree with Stewart Udall saying, "Where nature is concerned, familiarity breeds love and knowledge, not contempt."I also agree that some forces in nature can leave a path of destruction and some creatures might look at me as dinner. But, if we learn to connect with nature we can be prepared, which is the first step to avoiding. Many knowledgeable people are saying if more thought is given to what each of us puts into the atmosphere the fury of the storms will be calmed to what we can handle. To connect with nature is to sit, walk, paddle a canoe, and other things that put nothing negative into the atmosphere. As far as the creatures, all wildlife is part of nature even if some forms need to be viewed from a distance. When you think of how dangerous wildlife is ask yourself when was the last time you saw a drunken bear behind the wheel of a ton of steal having no regard for who gets in his path. Natural energies gained through connecting with nature can make one as high as a kite, but at the same time totally grounded and in control.Waterfalls, mountains, and the oceans' waves crashing against the rocky shore all have energy that is easily received by any receptors open to receiving. Standing above the tree line on even what might be considered a small mountain allows us to drink in the wonderful energizing tincture of accomplishment. However, nature's energy that gives a tingle to every cell can be absorbed right in your own back yard or on your apartment's terrace. Just like your own body, there are places where the pulse of energy flowing can be more strongly felt. Also just like your own body, energy is everywhere. Usui Reiki Ryoho for example is often called a hands-on-healing, but practitioners learn that energy can emanate through all of the body's pores. All pores of the body equals all that is within, on, and surrounding the earth.Traveling to high energy spots around the world is exciting, but not necessary to feel the pulse of the earth and connect with nature. Trees in your town or city that are the age of your grandparents or older have an amazing amount of energy to share. Focus on the wings of birds gliding gracefully on the winds' currents and allow your own energy to be lifted by the freedom the winds represent. With both gas prices spiking, and global warming reminding us to cut back on our fuel usage it is nice to know we can learn to connect with nature in even a big back yard and once we learn we can do it wherever we are.The next time you feel your energy lagging try the following. Set you alarm for an hour or two before sunrise. Go to a clearing where the sun can be seen rising. Some people prefer a field, but having lived most of my life near the Atlantic Ocean I prefer being on the shore looking out to where the water meets the sky. If you live on the upper floors in an apartment building you might be able to go out on your terrace or simply open a window. I have seen some of the most beautiful sunsets from my current kitchen window, and wonderful sunrises from the kitchen window in a home I rented.Wherever you are when you first see the light of the sun beginning to peak up over the horizon stand up (if in a wheel chair sit up straight) and stretch your arms straight out from each side (or imagine they are out stretched). Close your eyes allowing yourself to drink in the life giving energy of the sun. Stay there until the sun has climbed clearly above the horizon. As long as you are not looking directly at the sun, do not give any worry as to how many times you open your eyes to peak at the sun or how long you keep your eyes closed. Allowing the rising sun to fill you with energy fills the dark worries with light. You can then return to your bed for an hour or two or continue with your day. Either way your day can unfold in a new energized way.Some common ways of receiving energy from the earth are hugging an elder tree, walking bare foot in the grass or soft moss, or sitting on the ground and digging in your garden. As a Reiki Shihan (teacher) I have learned to store energy within. Sometimes people are not comfortable with extra energies that feel different to him or her. Releasing extra energy is done simply by scooping it up and releasing it back to the universe or taking off your shoes and socks and allowing it to flow through the soles of your feet into the earth. Even if you are in a building, you can still take off your shoes and socks and simply know the energy is flowing through the materials below you feet and then into the earth.You can read more about Connecting with Nature on my Meditation & Beyond page at my website http://www.naturalhealinglearning.comThe next time you are faced with one of life's challenges to which you can find no answer, sit quietly and allow the winds to bring you the answer from the trees. Connecting with nature is not new age; it is something as old and energizing as the earth itself.Roberta R. Barnes first climbed a mountain in Maine at the age of nine and has always felt a close connection to nature. She is Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Shihan (master teacher) and Herbalist. Her healing room is in a Center nestled in a wildlife habitat certified by the National Wildlife Federation. Along with teaching Reiki and meditation she also offers Connecting with Nature day workshops in Maine USA. More can be found out about her by visiting her website at http://www.naturalhealinglearning.com
Keyword : Connecting with nature in Maine, global warming, awareness, Reiki teacher, earth energy, meditation
