วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Craft of the Shaman

Author : Daniella Breen
The existence of the Shaman has been recorded for thousands of years with ancient cave art representations recognised throughout Europe and the Americas. Although Shaman healers have existed throughout all cultures under various guises, their elimination from Western culture occurred throughout the past 1000 years as the traditional Western churches sought to establish and maintain religious dominance. In modern times the Shaman has begun making a recurrence in Western Countries as religious dominance has made way for a more democratic balance.As the shaman re-emerges, they often have to seek out training from teachers in other cultures, cultures where the shamans haven't been completely wiped out such as Australian Aboriginal or Native American nations. Others are being taught and reminded by Spirit teachers, allowing them the isolation so common in the Shaman Way.So what actually is a Shaman? These are people who act as a bridge, working between this, the three dimensional world and other dimensions. They are able to heal, banish entities, remove illnesses and curses. They can restore and heal broken and damaged pieces of the soul and in doing so, restore the power of the receiver/client. Their healing encompasses all levels of the human experience, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and doesn't stop there. They can also help lost and confused souls let go of this world and move into the light of the Divine. They combat demons and other dimensional sorcerers. They command the forces of the Universe, work hand-in-hand with Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and the Ultimate Consciousness, sometimes known as God.Shamans are often identified by their methods of performing this work as much as the work itself. Some of the examples include trance healing, dream/sleep healing, sucking shaman (he/she will suck on the body of the victim removing the offending curse which is spat out into a bucket), painting shaman, shapeshifter, just to name a few.The Energy Shaman is yet another type of shaman. This is someone who can travel through the human energy field as though it were the Universe and the shaman was a super powerful space pilot. To understand the Human Energy field a little better, something needs to be said about what it takes to be a human being on Earth. Of course this is just theory, but it helps to explain our current situation.In truth, each human is a Divine spark of God, no more, no less. Being in a physical realm sporting a physical body is not our natural state, it is an anomaly, created by the Divine. The Universe itself is a creation of the Divine, the ultimate of bringing thought into matter. To bring this about is not a simple act, it involves reducing and shaping energy, layer by layer until you've reached the physical world, the lowest vibrational layers. This occurs both at the level of the Universe itself, as well as at the level of individual human beings. All of these layers interact with each other by way of portals or doorways otherwise known as chakras. As these layers and portals are multi-dimensional, they interact not only with each other, but also between people and between humans and other living beings including the earth herself.In its truest, healthiest state, the energy system functions beautifully and we have healthy, happy, empowered lives. We are able to manifest all of our needs and live in a loving balanced way. Through life experience however, negative energy can accumulate, problem patterns such as locked in beliefs, trauma, fragmented shards of the soul, attachments to others and so on can occur, reducing the fluent function of the energy system. This results in less that ideal patterns fixed in the energy bodies and chakras so that all energy passing through them, is shaped by these patterns and manifests as reduced quality of life. An example of this might be if a young girl is growing up with a father who neglects her, is unloving towards her. The trauma from this forms patterns and trauma in the energy field in relevant places for example the base chakra (which deals with safety and security) and the heart chakra (deals with giving and receiving love). She may then grow up to experience only unloving even abusive relationships with men.The job of the energy shaman is to open to the problem, travel through the energy fields, find the places of trauma, damage and what ever other problems there are, then heal, remove and resolve anything out of balance. This is often done interactively with the receiver, particularly with modern Western shamans who are often focused on teaching and empowering others. Shamans are able to interact with the problem areas such as any damaged fragments of soul, this is very much like a counselling session for the fragment. Often at this level the receiver doesn't take part it is directly between the Shaman and the soul fragment. When the soul fragment is able to let go of the issue/trauma, it can be sent to the light to be healed and restored to the soul core of the individual.Of course there are many tools, aspects, and levels to the work of an Energy Shaman. Just like all healers, as the Shaman deepens their understanding and training in this work, their work becomes deeper and more powerful, more complete. Nobody chooses to be a Shaman, it chooses you. There are many people who say they are Shamans but in fact, not all of them are. Some people just like the word and the image it brings about, but don't really understand what it means. It is hoped that you received some insight and clarity into this amazing and wonderful path.Daniella Breen has been a professional healer since 1997. Her work as an Energy Shaman is expressed in her Energy Surgery which she practices both face-to-face and long distance. To learn more about her Energy Surgery work, please go to http://www.shamangoddess.com
Keyword : shaman, healing, energy, chakras, aura, spiritual, universe, Native American, Australian Aboriginal
