วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

EFT: The Ultimate Health And Happiness Tool

Author : Brenda Skidmore
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, and is a relatively new discovery founded by Gary Craig, a Stanford engineering graduate and an ordained minister. Gary points out that, although he is neither a psychologist or a licensed therapist, he recognized at an early age that the quality of his thoughts was reflected back in the quality of his life.Gary has always had a profound interest in seeking only those procedures that, in his opinion, would produce results. Thus EFT is his latest finding and, the most important part of which, he learned from Dr. Roger Callahan.This technique basis its highly successful common sense approach that ties disease, pain, and phobias to the consequences of unresolved negative emotions such as anger, guilt, fear and self-doubt.Two main principles are the foundation behind this model method of healing. The first of which is based on a time-honored Eastern discovery that has been around for over 5,000 years. The second one comes from Albert Einstein, who enlightened us 80 years ago that everything (including our bodies) is composed of energy.These ideas have not yet been embraced by Western medicine, that seems to insist on treating the human body in sections and specific parts, thus largely ignoring the mind body connection.Thousands of people have discovered for themselves how to eliminate pain, phobias, and diseases and clear out the emotional debris that causes ill health rather quickly, easily, and effortlessly in one or two sessions or rounds of tapping.The fundamental procedure involves a unique version of acupuncture, except there are no needles! Instead you stimulate established energy meridian points on your body with fingertip tapping. The tapping points are easy to memorize and may be done anywhere or anytime.When a physical or emotional need arises to make you feel uncomfortable, begin tapping while mentally tuning into the problem and making verbal statements to acknowledge the problem. Notice the degree of discomfort before tapping and rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, a ten being the worst and a zero being the least. Do as many rounds as it takes to reduce and eliminate the sensation.EFT 's discovery statement is this, "the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." Gary Craig believes that our physical pains, diseases and phobias (fears) are obviously connected to our emotions and the following statement has also been proven true, "our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."EFT is simply a wonderful tool that can be used for nearly everything. The list ranges from life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, trauma, depression, grief, and schizophrenia to reducing fears of public speaking and improving golf scores.It has also been noticed that keeping your body properly hydrated with water increases the likelihood of successful tapping sessions. The human body is an electrical energy system (especially in the brain), and a dehydration problem will seriously affect this energy system, by disrupting the body's own natural healing power.Experience in using EFT will show you how to gain the advantage of erasing those negative specific events off your mental walls.The simplicity in this technique will amaze you in being a most effective method by which, if properly applied, is capable of wide ranging effects on your physical health and happiness.The basic manual is your free to download from the website and teaches how to do the procedure. Then if you would like to learn more from watching, there are inexpensive instructional videos to purchase. These videos will further enhance your experience and success with the Emotional Freedom Technique. You may also copy and distribute the videos without profit.Check it out, it's easy to learn, fun to use, and more importantly...it works!Brenda Skidmore has spent the last three years researching natural health care alternatives. She can attest to the many benefits of natural practical cures and preventive strategies for human health.
Along with the many medical professionals whose published works she has studied. It is her sincere desire to bring forth this knowledge for the betterment of mankind. To improve your life today visit mywater4life.com
Keyword : Emotional, Freedom, Technique, EFT, pain, diseases, phobias, energy, body, mind, electrical, system
