วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Fastest Way to Achieve Impossible Dreams

Author : Song Chengxiang
When we were young, we had many dreams, we never thought
anything was impossible, we were not afraid to dream
anything.However, when we grew up, we slowly began to lose our dreams,
we started to accept the "REALITY". We began to accept the
constraints and the limitations of this world. We
know that there are certain things we can not do, and
there are certain things we can't achieve.Did you really think about where these thoughts of
impossibility came from? Who told you "You Can" or "You
Can't"?I think you know the answer, nobody told you, you told
yourself. It is the little voice inside you who said
constantly to you that you can't do something, and you
always believe what it says.This little voice is your ego, it's meant to protect you
from dangers. However its only reference point is your
past, it makes every judgment by referring to your past
experiences. Therefore, everything it told you is based on
your past experiences, not reality.Instead of letting your ego control you, you should
learn to control your ego by knowing that what your ego
tells you is not the reality.and ...**The reality is "There is no reality"**Scientists no longer claim that they know the reality. In
fact, this world is an unpredictable world. We were told
in high school that electrons circle around nucleus in an
certain orbit, we were also told that they can jump from
one orbit to another when it releases energy. However, what
we were not told is when these changes happens. The fact is
nobody knows.For one moment, an electron is in orbit A, for the next
moment, it will be in orbit B. The electron does not travel
the space between these two orbits, changes happen
spontaneously. This is sometimes called quantum leaps.
However scientists do not know when and where a quantum
leap will occur. Put it into other words, we don't know
where an electron is located at any given moment of time.
How can we claim to know the reality.Since there is no reality, then...**What we see is only our perception**Since we were young, many things we were told to be true
are not true at all, many things we thought were reality,
are not reality at all, and many things we were told
impossible are not really impossible.I remember the first time I went to Anthony Robbins's
seminar. I heard of this thing called breakthrough. I
heard it's about turning the impossible into the possible.
I also wanted to experience a breakthrough. Then I decided
to go for the Anthony Robbins's famous "Fire Walk". I
heard a lot about fire walk before I went to the seminar. I
thought there were some tricks, and maybe the "Fire Walk"
is just a metaphor, it is not real fire. But when I went
to the seminar, I realized there was no trick here. I had
to walk on real fire. "How could this be possible?" ,
"Isn't that crazy to walk on hundreds of degrees of fire
without wearing anything on your feet?The only voice in my head was "Impossible", but when I saw
so many people walking across the fire without burning, my
little voice become quieter. and I wanted to try. When I
walked to the fire, I just heard Tony say, "GO..", then a
few seconds later, I was standing on the other side of the
fire. "Oh my goodness, I did it!!!" How could that be
possible? but it indeed is possible.>From then on, "Fire Walk" has become fairly easy and
enjoyable, and I did it again and again.My perception of fire walk has totally changed.Change your perception ,change your reality.However, where does our perception come from in the first
place?**Your perception is exactly equal to your level of awareness**We all have had these kinds of experiences when at one time a
task seems very hard, and some time later it becomes very
easy. If you are a student, you will find that a problem
is very difficult to solve, then you put it aside for some
time, and the next time you try to solve it, it becomes
extremely easy. You wonder why you could not solve it in
the first moment. The problem does not change, the only
change is your level of awareness. You are now thinking at
a higher level.Life is about growth, it's about discovering the highest
level of awareness, or the highest law of of the universe.
Some people seem very "Lucky", they easily find the truth,
and live by it, so that they can enjoy a stress free life
that is designed for them, while others spend their entire
lives not finding the truth or the laws of the
universe, therefore, they have no chance to experience higher
levels of awareness where the true peace exists.I don't want to talk too much about the universal laws
here, because I have discussed quite a lot in my free
course "rapid manifestation". You can get a copy here
http://www.theultimatesecrets.com/exit.htmDr Robert Anthony is an expert in teaching people how to
use the law of the universe to manifest their dreams. He
has put together a very comprehensive audio course, you'll
want to have a copy of it if you want to rapidly manifest
any of your desires through the unbreakable law of the
universe. Get a copy at
http://www.theultimatesecrets.com/cb/Robert_Anthony.htmBy now I think you already know what is the fastest way to
achieve your impossible dreams..Yes, it is...**Change your perception and accept your dreams as your reality**Since the reality is only your perception, why not choose
your dreams as your reality. If you can make this shift of
perception, your dreams will become very easy to achieve,
it is just like the difficult problem you could not solve
before.The easiest way to make this shift is to act as if your
dream has already come true. This will give your ego new
reference, and convince it that your dreams are possible.
Now, you have the control over your ego.Pretend to be an actor, act the role of your desires, and
you will quickly see your dreams manifested in your life.To your success.-----------------------------------------------------------Copyright by song chengxiang. You can publish this article
for free, provided you should include the resource box.
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help techniques, subscribe to song chengxiang's FREE
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Keyword : self improvement, success, self help, attraction, manifestation, personal development, goals
