วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

H, I, J, K of Creating Affluence

Author : Glen Simpson
If you wish to become wealthy in every area in your life, the following principles will serve you in your journey. Review all the attitudes you have read so far and continue the process of reminding yourself every day. Have a closer look at the word remind, re-mind. You are re-creating who you are, re-minding yourself to become a successful person. It is your right to be rich, happy, and prosperous so persist without exception and your success will be assured.H – HappinessMost of our pursuits in life are to create more happiness in our lives. The big mistake is in thinking that possessions, or positions, or people will make us happy. Happiness comes from within. It's a state of being and is therefore a choice. Make a conscious decision to be happy as soon as you open your eyes in bed. Laugh often. Laughter is the outward expression of enthusiasm and enthusiasm is the fuel that moves the world. Greet each day with laughter, smile at everyone you meet, and possess a grateful spirit.I – IntentionThe power of intention is in a single-mindedness of purpose. Put all your energy into making decisions and then once a decision is made, stand behind it. Intention is a well-defined purpose that is unchangeable. Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. Unsuccessful people make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly. The universe will handle the details, organizes and orchestrates opportunities – you simply make the decision and be alert to these opportunities.J – Judgment is UnnecessaryWhen we relinquish the need to classify things as good or bad, right or wrong, we experience more silence in our consciousness. Quiet your internal dialogue by simply observing things as they are, not as you think they should be.K- Knowledge Contains Organizing PowerYour past can never be changed but you can change your future by changing your actions today. If you counsel only with yourself, you can only make decisions based on what you already know. If you mastermind with wise people, you can now add their wisdom and experiences to your own. You can now create your future rather than just accept it. Knowledge brings about a new awareness from where it is possible to create new realities.It won't be long for L, M, N, O and P to be released and to assist you in your life-long journey of happiness, wealth, and prosperity.Caroline and Glen Simpson work in the multi-billion dollar industry of personal development. They teach people a very simple marketing system so people can work from home and generate a substantial income. If you are serious about making a change in your life, visit http://www.HappinessAndWealth.ca and leave them your contact information. To your ongoing success!
Keyword : affluence, wealth, personal development, self-growth, mentoring, professional development, coaching
