วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

How Far Into the Metaphysical World Will You Go?

Author : Jason Randhawa
You are ready to experience the Infinite Source flow through your entire being. It is time for you to gain access to infinite intelligence, infinite energy, total happiness, abundant wealth, unconditional love, and unending health and wellness.How Do I Know?Because, you are reading this article right now. If you were not ready to begin or continue your exploration of the metaphysical world you would not have attracted this article into your life. Your Higher Self (or All-That-Is/ God/ The Universe/ True Self or whichever word you prefer to use. Remember the terminology is not important, only the ideas are) has led you step-by-step to this article.Everything happens for a reason, and we must figure out what the reason is for you to be reading this article. The most probable reason is that you need some information and support, to begin or continue your inner journey through the metaphysical world. Some important information that you should have, before you begin your exciting journey, is…What Exactly Is Metaphysics?As defined by the dictionary, metaphysics is "the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value." The best definition I have heard is "the philosophical study of being and knowing."Metaphysics is very closely related to spirituality, but it does not belong to any particular religion. Metaphysics is used more to elaborate on your current belief system. It will compliment your religion, by expanding your current belief system and abolishing any limiting beliefs that you hold. This will allow you to experience health, wealth, and happiness no matter what your current belief system is.My Journey into the Metaphysical WorldMy journey through metaphysics and spirituality began at a very young age. Throughout my childhood this subject fascinated me. As a child, I use to sit with my cousins, late at night, and we would talk about all kinds of paranormal things. I would love to talk about ghosts, aliens, and ESP abilities. When I was 12 years old, my dad began to meditate daily. Under his guidance, I began to meditate before my teen years.Later in my life, at the age of 13, I had some unforgettable experiences with the Ouija board. Since then, I have been on a quest for knowledge. I had more unforgettable experiences at The Monroe Institute (an educational and research organization dedicated to the exploration of human consciousness) when I was 15 years old. At the Monroe Institute I was reunited with my spirit guides, and I had some amazing lucid dreams. Once I left the Monroe Institute I was deep into the Metaphysical world.Later, I spent thousands of dollars, buying all kinds of books, tapes, CDs, and courses until I realized that all the information was already within me. These resources were just there so I could remember what I already knew on some deeper level. You already knew everything in this article before you even read it. Your belief system just would not allow you to access that knowledge, until you read this, because you believed that you did not have this information. You believed that only this article has this information. In other words, what you are reading on this computer screen is just a reflection of what you already know on some other level.Once I had this realization, it became much easier for me to explore the metaphysical world. I no longer had to go to secondary, external sources for information. Now, I can go to the true, internal source and obtain information.As of today, I have yet to be satisfied by my quest for knowledge. Some people are satisfied with what seems to be very little information. Some people are able to simpler sign up for my free E-Zine and take my free course and they are satisfied, for life. There is nothing wrong with that; it is very good for them. It all depends on how deep you want to go. Personally, I have yet to be satisfied. This is why I set up my website, www.whatismetaphysics.com . My website allows me to communicate and learn from others, as they learn from me. My website subscribers and I are able to leapfrog off each other to infinity. Now…Your Journey into the Metaphysical WorldThere are basically three main places you can be on your inner journey:1. Just Beginning- this is where you are still on the fence; you are probably not sure where to start or what to do. Good News…you just started, by reading this article.2. Exploration- this is where you have been exploring the metaphysical world or your inner universe for a while. You have somewhat satisfied your deep thirst for knowledge, but you still need more.3. "Done"- this is where you are satisfied with the information that you have, and you are no longer exploring the inner universe. Although you may have stopped your journey for now, remember: "the journey is infinite, therefore it never ends."Once you know where you are, then you can figure out what you should do next. The first step is to keep an open mind; from here the Universe will bring to you everything you need, right at the perfect time. This is really the only thing you need to do, because then you will be allowing your Higher Self/ God to bring you the things that you need.To continue on this path, no matter where you are, you should check out the free online metaphysical / spiritual community that I set up at http://www.whatismetaphysics.com , we offer a 7-Day E-Course, Bi-Monthly Newsletter, and a Metaphysical Library (consisting of over 20 powerful e-books, and growing), all for free.May you enjoy the unconditional love that I am sending you.-Jason Randhawa
© 2006
Keyword : metaphysics,spirituality,metaphysical,spiritual,God,All-That-Is,Higher Self,The Universe
