วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

How to Achieve Complete Success

Author : Mika Hamilton
"The man who has done his level best, and who is conscious that he has done his best, is a success, even though the world may write him down as a failure." - BC ForbesThe first step in being successful is to figure out what you want to be doing in your life. Do you want to get a degree, own a business, or your own home? Do you want to retire early and more some place tropical?You need to understand what you consider successful so that you can move in that direction. It is hard to achieve goals you do not have. However, make sure you set goals which are realistic. This is important because you will not set yourself up to fail and be disappointed. You may have several goals. Make a list and rank them in order of importance. The top being your number one goal.Now you need to decide what you are willing to sacrifice for your goals. Once you know this you can start making an action plan that will help you move toward your goals and achieve your dreams. Each and every day should be spent on bringing those dreams one day closer to being reality. Remember, you can do anything you can set your mind too. It is also important to research and be well informed. The goal is not to work harder but to work smarter.Attitude is everyone! You need to find the confidence in yourself to believe that you can make anything happen. With hard work, determination, and pure will you can achieve any goal you have set. Most successful people believe in the power of positive thought. They actively work to include positive people in their lives and exclude negative energy. Failures should be viewed as learning and experiences and celebrated .It is also important to keep your mind, body, and soul healthy. Remember that exercise, maintain a healthy weight, fresh air, the sun, change of scenery, constantly learning and experiencing new this, and breathing deeply can make your feel great! Eating right and sleeping well are also good habits to have.You can no pursue your dreams hung over with a couple of hours of sleep. Remember to stay focused and have faith in yourself. You dreams are possible and within your reach. You must decide today, to begin your path to living the life you want and deserve.Visit the Global Investment Institute and signup for our free Investing For Beginners E-Course at http://www.Global-Investment-Institute.comInvestment webmasters or publishers, please feel free to use this article provided this reference is included and all links remain active.
Keyword : Success
