วันอังคารที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

In The Midst Of A Storm, There's Something More!

Author : Richard Vegas
Have you truly tried and still failed? Have you pushed on a piece of string so long that you think Methuselah would be proud of you? Have you held your temper so long that you feel you're about to blow a gasket? Well….., this is your lucky day. Sit back, grab some coffee, Yuk, and go where failures fear to tread.Something More!I don't like coffee, that's why I said Yuk. Maybe you failed because there was something more that was needed before you could find the success you were seeking.Have you ever heard the analogy that, "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts"? This is true with every achievement, task, or result. On the other side, every part must be smaller than the whole. So, it's very important that you consider all the parts to complete the whole.A negative attitude is one cause of failure. It is not in every case, but if a nasty situation just seemed to refuse to get out of my way that would be one thing I would look for.I know what I need… ESP!A cause of failure could be ignorance of facts or the powers available to create success. A cause of failure could be that you know the facts, and fail to apply them to a given situation. Another cause is, you may not know how to use or control the powers available known and unknown to you.Have you ever heard this? "That only persistence is omnipotent". When you pursue success and winning with a positive frame of mind, you keep on trying. There is no room for stopping. You leave yourself no bridges to go back to.Seek and you shall find!Someone said; that's too dangerous. I would be foolish to leave myself no escape hatch. Life never leaves us with no way out. It's only a perception in your own mind; in your own thinking. I don't care how bad the situation is, there is always a way out. LOOK FOR IT!Every time someone says there is no way out, here's what's happening. They are allowing a negative attitude to convince them to just lie down and take whatever is coming their way. They tell themselves there is no way out. So, they don't look for one.Evict the demon within?You may have 9 pieces of the whole in place and all you need is one more to achieve success, but, if you don't stop listening to that stinking voice inside your head, you won't find that final piece that makes up the whole.Perhaps there are some problems in your life you would like to solve. You will be able to much easier if you stop listening to that little voice inside your head when it says things to you like; "dummy, what you gonna do now"?The Truth Will Set You Free!Here are some examples of just how simple this can be. There was a song writer who could not get his song published. He sold it to another song writer and that guy added the "something more" that it needed. He added 3 little words, Hip, Hip, Hooray! It became a big hit. He completed the whole.There was another guy who tried ten thousand experiments before he could get his invention to work. After every attempt he said, "I didn't fail, I just found another way it wouldn't work". When the last unknown part became known to him, it would change the course of our country.The final part of the whole had existed from the first day that he completed his first experiment. But, he didn't recognize it then. Would you have kept going till the ten thousandth experiment? Or, would you have given up at nine thousand ninety nine? That was the incandescent light bulb that Thomas Edison invented. He completed the whole.The medical cure for Polio has existed since the dawn of time. But, the medical community didn't know about it until Dr. Jonas Salk experimented with principles that had always been universally true. Now we have the Salk vaccine. He completed the whole.You could make a million dollars by using the Success System That Never Fails. Then if you lost it all, you could make another million and more the next time by employing the same principles.But, if you made it by "accident", the first time, i.e.: not really knowing the universal laws of success, but just accidentally stumbling upon them, you may fail at the second attempt. You may need to make some discoveries to be successful in the second million.Then there was a pair of brothers who succeeded in flying because they found the "final part". Wilber and Orville Wright used the same principles that others had used. But, they found the "final part" because the others stopped one foot short of the "something more".The final part for the Wright brothers was so simple. They attached moveable flaps to the wings so the pilot could control and keep the plane level. But, everything else about the airplane was copied by them. These flaps are the forerunners of the planes we fly in today. They completed the whole.In the end; it's your choice!You may notice there is a commonality among these success story examples. The secret ingredient is that a universal principle was applied that had been unknown previously. That was all that was needed to make the difference between success and failure.If you feel you're on the brink of success, (or failure) in some area, and you have tried and tried, then stop doing the same thing over and over and find that "something more". It might not take much at all to put you over.Hip, Hip, Hooray, was all it took to make a hit song. Tiny flaps were all it took to make an airplane fly. It's not necessarily the quantity of the final parts; it's the quality of the final parts. Find your final parts. They are there, I guarantee it. Life never leaves you with no way out.Richard Vegas ©2002About The AuthorRichard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails, at:

http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.comYou may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://www.richardvegas.com
Keyword : positive thinking,self improvement,success,motivation,goals,coaching,inspiration,change
