วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Magic in Believing

Author : Lynn Bradley
Why is it that some people always succeed in whatever they do
and others continue to fail? How come some people drift through
life trying to find the energy to go on, and others have abounding energy? Is there some magic potion that the successful have access to that the rest don't have?The answer is yes. The magic potion is faith. Successful people
have learned to believe in themselves. They know that everyone
has God given talents and that they will be successful if they find what they are. How do you find your talent? Examine the things you love to do, and do well. To make life worth living you must do what brings you joy.To fulfill a dream, you must have a plan; it's called a goal. Those without goals have no direction for their life and little energy. The ones struggling to fulfill a dream, have abounding energy because inspired living is energy giving.J..C. Penny once said, "Show me a stock clerk with a
goal and I will show you the future head of the company. Show me
a person without a goal and I will show you a stock clerk."The majority earn a living by relying on what they can see, the
check coming in from their employer when they work a regular
job. There is nothing wrong with that except the limitations. There are only twenty-four hours in a day and trading hours for dollars can only earn a limited amount.Those who make it big look beyond what they can see with their
eyes to the unlimited possibilities of believing. We are limited in what we can do working with our hands. When we make full, use
of our mind, the sky is the limit.Before anything worthwhile can be accomplished, you must
believe that you can do it. If you are going to do big things, you can't depend on what you see. You have to rely on what you
believe. Great inventions are developed in this manner. Many
giant corporations were started by one man with a dream.The faith you have determines your whole outlook on life. What
you believe that you can do, gives you the confidence to try. It
is difficult to attempt what you can't see yourself doing, but you don't know if you could succeed until you try. Nat King Cole
thought he couldn't sing. He made musical history when he tried!With faith we can dream of doing great things. Everyone dreams
but only those that plan and work to overcome the obstacles in
the way, fulfill their dreams. Dreaming without planning and
working will fail to produce successful results.Faith resembles dreams in that both involve what the eyes can't
see. Often problems are solved by our sleeping mind that elude
us while awake. If you can't find the answer, put it on the back
burner of the subconscious mind, and discover the magic.Your subconscious mind will work for you if you can convince it
that you truly believe you are going to succeed. If you continue
having doubts, it will be confused and won't know what to do.
The successful, are people who have learned to control their
thoughts. They refuse to think of failure; it is not an option.Thomas Edison taught us a great lesson about achieving success
in life. He dreamed of creating the light bulb. He planned, worked and failed, or so his friends thought. He was not discouraged because he knew he hadn't failed, but had merely found things that don't work. Edison didn't fail, because his motivation was not what he saw, but what he believed.Glen Miller had a dream of what he wanted his band to sound
like. He was not discouraged when he failed several times but
kept trying until he succeeded. He was not inspired by what his
band sounded like, but by how he believed they could sound.The secret to success is to keep working for what you believe.
Don't be discouraged, by difficult problems and slow progress,
but concentrate on your dream. Of course you must have
reasonable goals; make them reachable. Have short term goals
to eventually achieve the long term ones.If you learn from your mistakes, you can make them the stepping
stones to your success. People fail when they become distracted
with their problems and take their eyes off their goals. Success will come when you learn to remove or go around obstacles in the way. Multitudes give up, when success is just around the next problem.There is magic in believing because your creator designed you for
success. If you learn this lesson, you don't have to be content to exchange your precious hours for a small paycheck. Dream about
what life will be like when you have a large income. Set your goals, plan and work smart, and you will be successful.You may publish this article if you leave the resource box intact, notify me when you do at lynn_b2@yahoo.com.This article was derived from the author's book,"Climbing
The Heavenly Stairs." The title will work as URL or full

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Keyword : Magic in Believing,Climbing the Heavenly Stairs, Rely on what you believe,not what you see
