วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

A Part of the Bigger Picture

Author : Robert Curtis
One of my greatest fears, since I was a young man, is that I will die without having done anything significant in this life. It has always been a personal goal of mine to do something that will make this world just a little bit better than it was when I came here.I am 55 years old, now, and I am still looking for that "something". I really must admit, too, that I am feeling more urgency towards my goal as time continues to pass in our ever increasingly fast-paced manner.I am a people watcher. I think I always have been. And it really astounds me how so many people seem to go through life as if they were barely subsisting, barely surviving their own existence from day to day. There is no light in their eyes. There is no apparent hope , let alone awareness, of the future moments ahead of them.I refuse to live that way. But then, I really believe that "age" is a function of the mind more than a function of the body.Sure, I am slowing down. I remember my last trip through the maze at Goblin Valley State Park in southern Utah. I used to scramble all over the rocks and through the pathways of endless mazes all day without the slightest hint of fatigue. My last visit made me actually consider the possibility of becoming hopelessly lost, or worse yet, climb up into a situation I could not get back down from!But back to the subject. Time and circumstance happens to us all. It is what we do with our time and how we act out our circumstances that makes us who and what we are.Along the way, I truly feel my existence upon this earth has been justified from time to time.But have I done enough?The things we do from day to day that we know we must do, merely show our level of integrity and commitment to others around us. It is the things we choose to do with our time and resources available to us that defines who we are, inside. Who we are as a human being. It is our choices that tell us if we have really been successful or not.That is what makes us a part of the bigger picture.Bob Curtis has a bachelor's degree in Psychology, and has been writing about the elements of relationships for a number of years. He is the manager of the Essential Sunshine Association, a new website for positive relationship development at http://www.essun.blogspot.com
Keyword : life,personal goal,world,do something,existence,awareness,future,hope,age,body,earth,justified,fast
