วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Power of Positive Thinking - Turn a Bad Day Around!

Author : Stuart Malkin
Turn brutality into kindness. There is no small deed and no kindness that is insignificant. A kind word, holding the door open for someone, complementing another, thanking another or easing the pain or the effort of one who may be infirm, all of these, no matter how small or no matter how little effort is used, are a gift to the Spirit and all make for a little more peace on the planet.Through the power of the Spirit and Positive Thinking, do your best to disallow depression, turn, instead, to happy thoughts. Look for the Light, the "good side" of an issue. Visualize a happy and positive outcome of whatever it is that is causing you some mental grief. I promise you that if you think positive thoughts, they will manifest into the reality, in ways that will surprise you.Be considerate of others rather than inconsiderate. Road rage is a product of our fast paced existence and it is a dangerous phenomenon. Be considerate of other drivers, give in to the impulse for aggression, relax and let the other car go first, even if that driver is in the wrong!In our lives we see many opportunities to curb aggression, to be gentle and caring. Many times we see someone crashing a line of people waiting for one thing or another. They do not wait their turn because they are rude, inconsiderate, self-serving, in other words, of mean spirit. Don't be one of them! You be the one to stand aside and let them push and shove ... you be the one of good Spirit who is turning lead into gold.Jealousy can become admiration. Admire the accomplishments of others, learn from them. Don't envy them, emulate them. Be happy for the achievements of others. Be happy that those you know are contributing to the good of the planet. Love the idea that others are successful.The Seven Deadly Sins, anger, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride and sloth can all be turned in a good thing, as we have discussed above for some of them. But whatever the negative or mean-spirited event is that you might encounter in daily life, work the wonder of Spiritual Alchemy and bathe in the positivity that you will produce!Excerpts from a new book "Looking for a Better World" By Stuart J. Malkin, Ph.D. Lots more good stuff in the book!
Go to:

http://www.buybooksontheweb.com/description.asp=0-7414-2134-8Dr. Malkin holds a B.Sc. in Business and a Masters and Ph.D. in Religion. He has made hundreds of visits to schools with a moving and effective motivational presentation, urging teens to do their personal best. His mentoring programs have empowered many, many children. His quest for years has been to teach the power of Right Action, working towards the goal of a better world.
Keyword : Positive Thinking, Power of Positive Thinking, Right Action, Motivation
