วันจันทร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Self-Improvement Programs, Which Is The One For You? 4 Critically Important Questions To Consider

Author : Andy Thompson
There are literally thousands of self improvement books, courses and
programs on the market at any given time, with a wide price range
and an even wider range of promises.Before you invest a dime there are four critically important questions
you must consider when trying to decide which information is right
for you.As someone who enjoys the GROWTH part of the "Self Growth Process"
I have invested in my fare share of self growth information programs.Over the years I have found that there are four very important
questions to ask first to ensure that I receive the most
beneficial information for my particular problem.Here they are in order:1) Is the program or course SPECIFIC to your needs for solving
the problem?It is one thing to spend hours and hours searching the Internet
for free information which offers a rather broad perspective on a
wide range of topics. You will find that narrowing your focus
allows you to pinpoint exactly what you are looking for.For Example:A program on how to break bad habits or one on self hypnosis for
rapid weight loss or to quit smoking, speaks directly to the
specific area and usually offers some kind of step by step
detail, which saves lots of time and helps you reach your goals
faster.2) Who is the person presenting the information, how many people
has he/she helped and is it documented? (I realize this is really
three questions, but I think you see where I'm going.)Most times I'm not just looking for information, I'm looking for
someone to teach me specific information through a step by step
system that has worked for people just like me, who are dealing
with the same problem.I don't care much about credentials, although seeing some
advanced study background is comforting, it means less to me
than proven results.3) Does the program come with a money back guarantee?Like I said, I invest in a lot of information, but it doesn't just
sit on the shelf and collect dust. I apply it, then measure my
results.If it inspires me to grow, I keep it. If not, it gets
sent back along with my suggestions on how I think the product
could be improved.I have come to realize that not every program works for every
person so having a money back guarantee is very important.
With a money back guarantee you are never at risk of being stuck
with a program that didn't work for you. Look for at least 90
days to 6 months.4) Is there on going support and updates?It is always nice to find a good newsletter that you enjoy
reading. Often times you will come across an inspiring story
that will keep you motivated to press on and achieve your goals.Investing in yourself is a major key to personal growth. Invest
wisely by considering these four simple questions before you lay
down your hard earned money. The information you finally decide
on will have a more direct impact in your life.(c) Andy Thompson - All Rights reserved.Andy Thompson is a writer who enjoys the GROWTH part of the
Self Growth Process. His articles can be found in many
self-improvement e-zines on the Internet. Andy publishes
a Bad Habit Breaking 101 Newsletter and he recomends
Lee Milteer's Proven 21 Day Habit Busting program, you can
read more about them both at http://www.BadHabitBreaking101.com
Keyword : self help,self improvement,success coach,bad habits,health,lose weight,stop smoking,motivation,love
