วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Spiritual Paths -- How Does One Know Which Are the Best?

Author : Russell Symonds
I would like to share with you my thoughts regarding
what one should look for when choosing a spiritual path. I
have studied so many lately that I have been able to come to
some set of standards or guidelines to follow when
choosing a spiritual path. There is an important difference
between a spiritual path and a religion. A religion is usually
a dogma based on some past spiritual revelation who's
principle leader or Master has long since passed away. A
spiritual path is a presently used method of God-realization
taught by a living Master.1. It should always have a living Master or Guru who has
fully mastered the goal of the path. (At least one perfected
living example is essential, otherwise what evidence would
there be to prove that this path really works?)2. The living Master or Guru must always be kind, loving,
cheerful, helpful, available, and more than willing to do all
he or she can to bring about the successful and complete
liberation from all problems, etc. of his or her chelas.3. It's methods and values, etc. should be based on
scientific evidence and never on faith or dogma.4. One should NEVER be forced to accept anything or act on
anything based on blind faith or dogma.5. It must be practical and adaptable to the needs of the
modern lifestyle.6. There should be no unreasonable and/or difficult
requirements especially if not fully explained and not
providing any scientific proof.7. It must WORK HERE AND NOW (not in four lifetimes!) to
fulfill all one's spiritual yearnings to his or her individual
capacity, and fully answer all one's questions, etc.8. Regular, deep meditation and listening to the inner
sounds while experiencing God's love should be a major
part of it.9. A lifestyle of purity, chastity, or celibacy should be a
requirement.10. The Master or Guru of this path must be completely free
of all lust, alcoholism, attachments, personal desires,
selfishness, and any other moral imperfections, egotism,
etc.11. The Guru should never request any money or financial
support of any kind.12. It should not require any rituals, idol worship or religious
activities, beliefs, etc. of any kind yet all religions, other
paths, cultures, etc. would be fully appreciated and
understood for what they are.13. See God within and without in all people and in all form,
know yourself and everybody else, no matter how they act,
as a God in form. Acknowledge that all living beings are
from one and the same Source.14. It would encourage giving gratitude for all of God's
Blessings, and as much as possible having one's attention
fully on the NOW moment.15. It would uphold the SUPREME COMMANDMENT which
is to have an undying and totally unshakeable love and
devotion for God.16. There would be a strong emphasis on gaining direct
experience from the highest levels of super-consciousness
rather than obtaining revelation through channeling,
mediumship, hypnosis, etc.17. A 100% vegetarian, raw food lifestyle should be
encouraged.18. It should encourage only the healthiest, most ethical
diets and lifestyles.19. All killing, maiming, etc. and the eating of meat, fish,
chicken, etc. should be condemned.20. The path must involve the respect of all life as precious
and honour and marvel at God's Creation.21. All immoral, unlawful behavior, etc. should never be
allowed.22. Illicit sex, drugs, drinking, and smoking, etc. should be
absolutely forbidden.23. The "finer things" in life, such as higher values, spiritual
marriage, deep devotional love, etc. should always be
encouraged and supported.24. There should always be an open-minded quest for
higher values (such as truth, goodness and beauty) and
their expression.25. Love, joy, laughter and devotion should be in the eyes of
all its members.26. It should be non-judgemental and always willing to help
those in need.27. It should be progressive and open-minded to new ideas
as long as they can be scientifically proven.28. It would never be too rigid or inflexible to the point of
excluding other methods from other paths that would
otherwise be of some benefit.29. Exceptions should be allowed for genuine individual
needs.30. Not only must there be a daily meditation practice, that
practice must include several hours a day of perfect
concentration on the inner sounds and inner light of God
through the third eye.31. The goal of meditation should be to "die daily" meaning
to develop the ability to leave the body at will and soar into
higher levels of reality with the goal of leaving behind the
astral and causal bodies to soar into the highest, most
loving realms of complete, permanent liberation from all
reincarnation and all suffering.32. Everything should be done to make meditation as
completely rewarding and fulfilling as possible as soon as
possible. This could include a meditation clinic where all
meditation problems are properly diagnosed and treated.33. Individual spiritual needs should be fully acknowledged
and adequately met.34. It should not only be a system of self-realization, but also
a system of God-realization through self-realization.35. There should also be an unending quest for higher and
higher possibilities such as the the process of living on light
and the creation of an immortal light body that can function
on the physical plane.Of course it is impossible for any one spiritual path or
system of yoga to have all of the above. But the more of the
above it has, the more perfect and desirable is that system
of God-realization. However some of the above
requirements are more important than others. Any obvious
omissions I would consider as being like a red warning flag
indicating that it could be a cult or following who's leader
has hidden motives.Russell Symonds (Shaktivirya) has dedicated his life to
finding wholeness and is living the "wholeness" lifestyle.
His website =>Science of Wholeness is a spiritual and nutritional information and research center
dedicated to helping you find your keys to wholeness
(everlasting joy, love, bliss, rejuvenation, and much, much
more). Wholeness can be many things and his website not
only duscusses all the different aspects of wholeness but
also all the different ways toward wholeness. There is no
greater thing of beauty, value and joy as wholeness!The
rest of his original articles can be found here: http://www.wholejoy.com/wholeness/NEWS.html

and his free online book, Science of Wholeness
can be found here: http://www.wholejoy.com/scienceofwholenesspartone/
Keyword : soul,science,wholeness,meditation,God,birth,suffering,death,reincarnation,third eye,inner sounds
