วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Tell me Something New

Author : H. Bernard Wechsler
Tell me Something I Don't Know!"Just the expectation of seeing something scary, dangerous and
unsettling - FIRES-UP your brain to remember the event permanently."Stress disorders, panic-attacks, and social anxiety, leave an imprint, more
than a engram (memory-trace), that eases the way for the next upsetting event.Expectations are caused by Mental-Imagery – pictures on the movie-screen
of your mind, and associations linked to previously similar memories.If you were ever bit by a snake – it is registered forever in your brain's two key
structures of emotion – the Amygdala and your Hippocampus.What about being hit by a car - on your bike or while driving your car, or as a
pedestrian? All are permanently locked into your brains emotional (Limbic System), structures. Even a passing thought of this past experience triggered by anything similar - sends your body into emotional-overdrive.The Emotion Creates BehaviorWhat you feel - is what you get. The law of expectation is – a hardwired behavior programmed in the brain that produces bodily reactions. Fight-or-Flight is on auto-pilot and often the cause of runaway chronic stress.A Little ScienceFear, anxiety, anger or stress - changes our physiology by exciting our Sympathetic Nervous System, part of our Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems. See in your
minds eye a green stick in the garden vegetable path, and you imagine a snake about to attack you. Adrenaline (epinephrine) surges, and your heart beats like a drum, your breathing becomes shallow, and blood pressure rises – all preparing you to run
of fight.When you are relaxed, at harmony with your surroundings, and thinking with reason and logic – your Parasympathetic Nervous System is dominant. No panic,
anxiety nor stress can occur. Acetylcholine – the first neurotransmitter discovered – pours into your brain by activating our Parasympathetic Nervous System.ResearchJack Nitschke, professor and leading researcher at the University of Wisconsin at Madison; his findings are published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences – 9.07.06.Our brain is affected by Arousing words, and not triggered by ordinary, bland, non-arousing words. Seeing horrible pictures of death and destruction produces the same emotional affect as reading emotionally charged (arousing), articles.When pictures, events or words shock us, our brain releases Serotonin – causing memory retention. It is similar to saving the page on your computer. Our Amygdala and Hippocampus saves dangerous experiences from the past for your personal survival.Once in permanent long-term memory, you avoid the slow process of conscious thinking and analysis, and automatically react by fight-or-flight to a similar circumstance. See the stick, you run, and hear a loud noise and you fall to
the ground.When you are calm and relaxed, your Prefrontal Cortex stores long-term memories.
Stresses or agitated, panic and anxiety – you go on auto-pilot to both the Amygdala and Hippocampus, situated in the Limbic system of your brain.Turn it on its HeadIntentionally use your Mental Imagery to creates pictures in your mind of positive events – imagine being congratulated for a promotion to V.P., or being handed your
graduate school diploma.Can positive mental-imagery excite the Limbic System for long-term memory?See the end-result you desire in your minds eye – repetitiously – and it imprints and
programs your brain like a roadmap to replicate your mental imagery.What we resist – persists – what we focus on – expands.Negative pictures on the movie screen of your mind – can be consciously blocked and extinguished by closing your eyes for 15 seconds, smiling and hearing in your
minds-ear – Cancel – Cancel repetitiously. Finally, replace the negative imagery
with a positive expectation outcome – a happy-thought.Did you know one out of four people suffer a degree of obsessive-compulsive disorder? Some have more, others less, but we all have had OCD episodes at one time. It begins with our mental-imagery – what movies we run on the mental screen of our mind. You are the projectionist, and can change the horror reel to a comedy film within a millisecond by your intention to do so.StressLife is loaded with stressful occurrences – on a daily basis – if we allow ourselves to interpret events in a frightening way. Stress – Chronic Stress - is not a minor event in our existence. It can trigger a trauma to our immune systems and produce an incident of – Heart Disease – Cancer – Stroke. The loss of a job or business,
divorce, or prolonged anger at a boss or significant-other, open our mind to
prolonged and repetitious incidences of fear, anxiety, and anger.We can do something about it by using conscious strategies to maintain our brain under the dominance of our Parasympathetic Nervous System. Choose carefully what we spend hours viewing on television, and the mental-imagery we permit in our minds eye, and the people we associate with.EndwordsWhen you choose to occupy your mind with learning and personal growth – you
enlarge the neural pathways of our Prefrontal Cortex. Some folks make it a hobby to do crossword puzzles, learn new languages, computer skills, or play cognitive games. These activities create a firewall of protection around their brain against forms of brain disease like Alzheimer's and Parkinson Disease.Teaching kids or adults a skill you know - protects your brain from chronic inactivity. Use-it-or-lose-it is not a joke, but a brain principle.In one week of practice – you can help 3x your reading speed and 2x your memory.
Ask yourself this question – how much better off would you be if you could
read-and-remember three books, articles and reports in the time others can hardly
finish even – one? What have you learned – lately?See ya,copyright © 2006
H. Bernard Wechsler

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author of Speed Reading for Professionals, published by Barron's,
former business partner of Evelyn Wood, creator of speed reading,
graduating 2 million, including the White House staff of four U.S.
Presidents. Quoted by the Wall Street Journal and Fortune Magazine.http://www.speedlearning.org

Keyword : speed reading, learning, training, personal growth, memory
