วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Three Benefits of Learning How To Concentrate

Author : Ruth Farmer
We all know that being able to concentrate on a given task
is, in most cases, a necessary part of completing it.
Without focus our mind wanders, and the body soon follows –
to the kitchen for a drink or snack, to the den to check on
the kids, outside for a breath of fresh air... the list of
distractions is endless, especially for people who work at
home. Without the ability to focus our minds, we just
don't get anything done. And it's easy to see why!North American society has instilled the 'quick fix'
mentality into us since we were children. Sound bites,
video clips, and headlines all play their part in making
sure our focus is dragged from one thing to the next at
breakneck speed. Is it really any wonder that so many
children and adults suffer from things like Attention
Deficit Disorders? Our minds have spent a lifetime being
programmed to be attention deficient. (Note: I am fully
aware that ADD and ADHD are serious illnesses and I am not
trying to make light of that here. What I am trying to point
out is that our society as it exists today gives these
disorders an environment in which they can flourish.)From a purely practical standpoint then, the first benefit
of learning how to concentrate is that it allows us to
complete the tasks which we set out to do. By learning how
to focus our mind on controlling our body we can keep our
butt in the chair long enough to get the job done.Mental concentration is also a key component in our ability
to create the life we desire. It is beyond the scope of
this article to go into too much detail other than to say
that "Thoughts are Things" and they have an energy all
their own. What we focus on is what we attract into our
lives, and we are continually making choices and acting based
on the mental images that form in our minds. If we don't (or
don't know how to) concentrate on the thoughts we allow into
our mind, we run the risk of creating things and
circumstances we would really rather not have in our lives.
Without concentration, our lives become little more than an
existence which is ruled by the subconscious.Consider this... If you allow yourself to focus on negative
images you unconsciously build a negative disposition. You
will think of poverty, weakness, disease, fear, etc. and as
surely as you think of these will your objective life
express itself in a like way. What we think, we will
manifest in the external world. Wouldn't your life be
better if you could train yourself to consciously focus
only on health, wealth and happiness?The third benefit of learning how to concentrate is that it
enhances our creativity on a higher and more spiritual
level. In deep concentration you become linked with the
great creative spirit of the universe, and the creative
energy then flows through you, vitalizing your creations
into form. In deep concentration your mind becomes attuned
with the infinite, and registers the cosmic intelligence and
receives its messages. You become so full of the cosmic
energy that you are literally flooded with divine power.Once you achieve this desired state, you will realize the
advantages of being connected with the supra-consciousness.
When you become connected to your supra-consciousness, you
become the controller of your human thoughts. That which
comes to you is higher than human thoughts and is often
spoken of as Cosmic Consciousness. Once experienced, it is
never forgotten.The benefits of learning how to concentrate cross all the
boundaries between our physical, mental and spiritual
selves. Naturally, it requires training to reach this state,
but once you do, it becomes easier each time. By learning
how to concentrate consciously, you are able to direct the
expression of almost infinite power while in this deeper
state of concentration, and use it to create exactly what
you want in life.Ruth Ritchie-Farmer is the author of How To Concentrate: 18
Easy Ways to Achieve Laser Beam Focus in Anything You Do.
Read the first two chapters free at
http://www.howtoconcentrate.comThis article may be freely reproduced as long as it remains
unchanged and includes this resource box. Notification of
intent to publish, and a courtesy copy of the publication
are appreciated.
Keyword : how to concentrate,concentrate,concentration,focus
