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The Transformation Equation in Partnership "With Yourself"

Author : Ted Borgeas
Business oriented and just about all individuals
are always in Partnership with Transformation!
Developing a Partnership with Yourself!
Relating to your Feelings can be difficult.Most of us think of partnerships as being a two-way street
that is with another person or entity. I am referring to
partnership with yourself. What better partner can you get to
know, understand and trust than yourself? This could be your
most difficult task.Here are some criteria that may help improve your self-
partnership.1. "I'm an idealist: I don't know where I'm going but I'm on
my way."
Carl Sandburg, American poet.The better you understand your vision as to what you want the
better your partner will cooperate. It would be easier for your
partner to follow your road map than to try to think and guess
what's on your mind.2. "The toughest thing about success is that you've got to
keep on being a success." Irving Berlin, American
Composer, Theater arts 1958If you're going to partner in a successfully way you better have
commitments, trusts, distinct understandings, and clear
picture of your plans.3. "Genius is that superior alchemy that changes the vices of
nature into the elements of destiny" Pierre Emmanuel (Noel
Mathieu) French writer, Buadelaire.The old Story Board technique of Walt Disney as explained
by Mike Vance, consists of placing all situations, problems
and in their case, animation's in succession on a wall for
better prospective viewing. So you being your own partner
can see what you're thinking. This technique of sequential
picturing and outlining will stimulate other ideas. Clarified in
articles on a StoryBoard. Paste them in a book or wall.4. "Generally, the theories we believe we call facts and the
facts we disbelieve we call theories." Felix Cohen.If you're going to be innovative with your partner you better
have a good understanding of his or her limitations and
perceptions. Don't create a losing situation with false and
unreal expectations.5. "Creativity in science could be described as the act of
putting two and two together to make five." Arthur Koestler,
British Philosopher, The Act of Creation.Don't try to out guess your partner. This isn't a chess game; it
is a sharing game. Have a clear understanding of the shot
and long-term goals. In order to understand your partner
better and how you, he or she reacts, initiate more short-term
goals and see that response from the partner.6. "It isn't what people think that is important, but the reasonthey think what they think." Eugene Inesco, Frenchplaywright.In order to become empowered with confidence it is a matter
of sharing responsibilities and delegation. Since you must
take equal risks with your partner then it behooves each of
you to share all experiences. This includes the trauma and
rewards.7. "Basic research is when I'm doing what I don't know I'm
Wernher Von Braun, German Scientist, in The Faber Book of
Aphorisms, 1964Don't get stuck behind the desk or you'll lose total contact
with your partner's world. Always continue to be exposed and
aware of the elementary basics.8. "A creative person needs a certain amount of insecurity to
maintain that fine edge. You don't have any control over it."
Walter Egan, American rock musician.You must be in sync with the dreams, visions, innovations,
creativity, expectations, perceptions, strategies and a host of
other thoughts of your partner. Don't let the synergy wander to
far apart.9. "It is explained that all relationships require a - little give
and take. This is untrue. Any partnership demands that we
give and give and give and at the last, as we flop into our
grave exhausted, we are told that we didn't give enough."
Quinten Crsip, Bristish writer, How To Become a Virgin
1981.In a world of desensitization and the dehumanizing of human
contact you better have direct contact and understanding in
person with your partner. The competition is vicious and
evasive enough without creating the feeling of isolation with
in the partner.10 ."Time is a circus always packing up and moving away."
Ben Hecht, screenwriterWe have heard the comment location, location, location.
There's also the concept of timing, timing and timing is
everything. This is critical in our personal and global
transitional exploding world of change. Change is so
dramatic and quick those strategic partnerships must be in
total command and responsive mode at a moment's notice.
Your awareness and responsiveness are critical.If this criteria frightens you, this could be your first positive step to a successful partnership with yourself.Copyright © 2004 Ted Borgeas, All Rights Reserved Ted Borgeas, Author, 35 years Self-Coaching Yourself. Helps
people get insight on Life's Challenges.
Ted's latest book: 2005, "Grandpa is a Giggle" How to turn Adversities into Adventures! E-mail: ted@atborgeas.com website: www.atborgeas.com

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print or electronic publications, providing you use the
article in its entirety, including the brief bio trailer and
all links and references within. Please let me know if you
use this article by sending an email to ted@atborgeas.comDr. Ted Borgeas is a Foot Surgeon Podiatrist (Emeritus over 40 years) He is a master of re-engineering and piggybacking careers to success. One of his latest adventures was on the Medical Service Team at the Athens Olympics 2004. This helped him formulate his theme: "Olympic Athletes don't live in the world. They Live in an Attitude. An Attitude to WIN! TO WIN THE GOLD!" One of his books "Living In An Attitude" It's Magic! Clearly illustrates our flexibility and adaptability such as his multitude of successful life transitions. Ted was a Podiatric Consultant for over 12 years inside a Federal Prison and 7 years inside a state Mental Hospital. A pilot, auctioneer, real estate broker for over 20 years and a host of other fascinations. He still plays his bagpipes, authored 11 books and is still the director-producer of his weekly Television programs on Time-Warner and Cox, Public Access for over 20 years. When asked why he loved his patients and still his Real Estate, he replies: "The People are the Magic!" In my life it's only the people who are the FUN! With their consternations!
Keyword : Partnership, transitions, creativity, innovation, transformation, careers, patients, olympics, fun
