วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Trust Your Inner Guide: 5 Steps to Sharpen Your Intuitive Power

Author : Clay Lowe
I have come to trust my inner guide explicitly. But it takes practice to build up a level of trust where you feel comfortable letting your inner guide help you make all kinds of decisions from life, love, or what path to choose. Here are five steps to help you tune in and strengthen your inner guide.1. Learn to trust your inner guide.
I like to climb rocks. I once found myself stuck, in the middle of a challenging climb up the Three Cliffs on the Gower Peninsula in Wales. I had reached a point where I couldn't "see" a logical move. It was too late to turn back without increasing the risk of falling. I had to find a hold. The more I tried to think my way to the next hold, the more anxious I became about the perilous position I was in. It was time to let go and trust my inner guide.I closed my eyes, took a few deep breathes and quieted my mind. When I opened my eyes again, a little voice inside my head – the voice of my inner guide – gently pressed me to leap for a small depression in the rock a few feet away. My rational mind screamed, "No way, that move's way to risky. Did you see the size of those rocks waiting below for you if you miss?" But the quiet voice in my head insisted, so I took a literal leap of faith. The hold stuck and I was able to climb on through to top without any further incident.Your inner guide is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it will get. Don't readily dismiss the voice as something irrational. Instead listen to the voice and see what happens; pay attention to the results. You'll soon grow more confident in listening to and trusting your inner guide.2. Spend some quiet time by yourself.
If you're like me, you sometimes hear lots of voices shouting in your head. The voices of fear, doubt and disbelief are three of the main culprits that surface when you have to make a decision. You have to learn to quiet your mind so that you can hear the tiny voice of your inner guide above the din of fear, doubt, and disbelief.Meditation is good way to quiet your mind. Find a quiet place where you're not likely to be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position or lie on your back with your hands at your side. Establish a steady breathing pattern by breathing in through your nose and out through you mouth. Let go of all of your thoughts. As a thought comes into your mind, let it flow back out like a river. Once your mind is quiet, you will be able to hear your inner guide.3. Meet your inner guide.
To strengthen your bond with your inner guide, visualise the two of you meeting. Use the above meditation technique to get yourself into a relaxed state. With your eyes closed, imagine yourself getting into an elevator. You're going to take a ride down deep into your consciousness. Press the button for seven floors below. When the doors open, imagine you have stepped into a grassy meadow. In the meadow is a tree. Walk over to the tree. Take notice of the environment around you. What do see? What sounds do you hear? Reach down and feel the tall grass. After you have made yourself familiar with your surroundings imagine your inner guide appears beside you. Greet your inner guide? What does your inner guide look like? Take not of what your inner guide's voice sounds like. Now tell your inner guide that you appreciate the advice and guidance it has given you and that you are looking forward to an even stronger relationship with it. Then thank your inner guide and return to the elevator and back to a state of wakefulness. This exercise will help you identify the sound of your inner guide's voice.4. Keep a journal.
Another good way of reaching your inner guide is to keep a journal. I find the connection is purest when you write first thing in the morning after waking up. Literally open your eyes, grab a pen, and start writing. If you use a computer make sure you keep it in hibernate mode so it boots up quickly and you can begin typing almost immediately. The idea here is to write whatever comes to mind no matter how strange or incoherent it may seem. Write without thinking. Even if the words are gibberish. You have to trust that the words will start to flow. Write for as long as you can without stopping. Do this for at least 30 days and then go back and read your journal entries. Make note of any associations or symbols you draw from your words. Summarise what you believe the words or symbols mean. This will help you clarify the guidance you get from your inner guide.5. Be present.
My English professor used to shout, "Be Here Now," whenever he caught us daydreaming in class. It is easy to miss the voice of your inner guide if your mind is stuck on past events or focused on things that haven't occurred yet. Your inner guide works in the here and now. Be present and you'll hear the voice of your inner guide instructing you on what to do.Learning to listen to your inner guide can give you new directions, new opportunities, and create circumstances that attract you to the results you want. Follow these steps and you'll never have to make another decision alone again.Clay Lowe is the Director of Ascent: The Adventure Coaching Experience that could change your life. Ascent takes you on a hero's journey through which you explore your own hopes and dreams for the future, and discover your true potential and purpose. Answer the Call to Adventure and visit our website at: http://www.ascent-experience.com
Keyword : Intuition,Guide,Spirituality,Personal Power,Inner Strength
