วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

What If

Author : Al Bouchard
That which I amYou areIsThe steadfast offeringOf SPIRITWe explore our potential in our growing years from our first baby steps to self-directed adulthood. Parents, teachers, pastors, siblings, relatives, friends impact us in various ways as to how we see ourselves. Goals are often set for us by others. Encouragement to fulfill our potential can be a great catalyst to attain goals we set for ourselves. Discouragement, abuse, neglect can leave us feeling unworthy, unable to fulfill our potential. Sometimes with even the best of intentions, we are given false information as though it were the absolute truth.We ask ourselves questions from time to time. What is the essence of my being? Who am I? Where do I fit in? Where did I come from? Where do I go after death? Is the time from birth to death the total of who I am?Each of us has to search for the answers to these and many more questions in our own way and in our own time.One way to search for answers to these questions is to play the game WHAT IF. This game is very simple. Start each sentence with the words 'what if' and fill in words, scenarios, intuitive reasoning, any possible idea that relates to one of the questions.As examples - What if birth to death is not the sum total of our existence. What if we choose to express as a human being on earth in any give lifetime to fulfill goals we set for ourselves and purposely empowered ourselves with the ability to forget what our true nature is.What if we can see ourselves as an actor auditioning for a part in a play and we get the part. What if we are able to completely step out of our true character and step into the part in the play we have chosen. What if we were able to close out completely all the knowledge of who we truly are and forget our true nature.What if divinity, by whatever name we choose to call it, is not something outside ourselves. What if each of us is an essential aspect of divinity exploring our nature and expanding our boundaries.What if divinity is simply ALL THAT IS. What if within our own being is our soul force, our angel self, an essential essence of SPIRIT, of ALL THAT IS.Goals are set for us in our growing years by many people outside ourselves. As we mature we learn to set our own goals, often patterned after the goals we think others want for us.We are in a time of great spiritual awakening on our earth. The many conflicts we experience around us are amongst peoples who want others to experience their goals, their status quo. We can move away from this mind set by setting goals for ourselves and embrace the realization that each of us is a divine essence of SPIRIT, that our basic nature is LOVE.Al Bouchard is President of Angels of Light Fellowship in Sylva, North Carolina. He has over thirty years experience with meditation, auric energies, and metaphysical concepts. He publishes MYSTIC MEANINGS in his Auric Expressions website where his Whispers can also be found. Al publishes two blogs about spirituality and dreams and their meanings. At the Angels of Light Fellowship web site, he offers free online Meditation Lessons he wrote. Go to auriclight.com/dreams/ to visit his web page with links to his works.
Keyword : divinity, dreams, meditation, spiritual growth, metaphysical, self-improvement, spirituality,
