วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

What's Real Life Anyway? - Changing Your Outlook On The World

Author : Kay Elizabeth
The world around us is changing. The world may not alter much in a physical sense, but our own personal worlds do every day. There is an ever changing flux of emotions, thoughts, fears and memories being formed on a daily basis. More often old ones are being recycled than new ones made.To some each day can seem to be darker, more futile and more depressing than the next. So why do we put ourselves through those emotions? Why not just stop and enjoy this wonderful life?Our emotional and mental state is to us our yardstick by which we measure our 'real life'. It is still our link, our axis of familiar territory on which we spin when we orientate ourselves. Once we see where we are in 'real life', we then use that to measure our worth. We compare families, relationships, cars, jobs, environment, happiness levels, you name it, we'll compare what others have to ourselves, and most times decide we're lacking something or other.If only we could just once open our eyes and see the illusions of that we perceive as 'real life', and how all of that just is not that important. It is not something that we have 100% control over, so why try to control it in the first place? The workings of our lives are not all of our own making, created purely by our own action or inaction. The Universe and the part that each of us play in that is so much vaster and deeper than we can imagine and that Energy, (whether you call it God/Spirit/Higher Power) is a force that is working in our lives today, whether we are aware of it or not.Many do not realize that there is a Greater Good at work in all things. Everything that happens to us in life is for a reason, and that Energy is there to help guide you in the right direction towards your true path. The Universe has much strength and power. It works to allow each to become the best person that they can be, if they choose to the nurture perfect soul that they truly are and have been since birth. The totality of our lives is not just what we see around us. There's a saying that God works in mysterious ways and that may seem to be the case, but perhaps it's only mysterious because people try to equate the workings of Spirit with the illusionary world they live in every day and to make sense of it based on the 'real world' primarily.No small wonder then that the inability to reconcile these two, results in the muddying of the waters, and makes it difficult to see the doors opening or closing when opportunity is laid in their path. The Universe is aware of our 'failings' though, and is always ready to place another doorway in our path that will allow us to take the road that was meant for us, time and again. It does not stop giving us opportunities to grow and nurture the Self.Many look at the world and wonder where Spirit is, if this is all there is. They see starvation, war, pain and endless hurts and feel deserted, but I don't believe that we are ever deserted by Spirit. We are all one with the Universe and through that connection, cannot be separated from it, so are never alone. Life here is really just a flicker in the Universe.I believe that we are here to learn the lessons that allow us to reach a higher level of consciousness, and they are not always easy nor painless to us, but they are, to the Universe, just lessons. Life goes on, and always will do. Our time here is so small a part of the bigger picture in Universal terms, yet seems so large to us because we find it hard to understand its true nature. We will continue having the lessons until such times as we learn them and that is our never ending journey of life.It may be that until we learn to love ourselves and each other as we are, souls united by the Universe, each of us part of the whole, they will continue. Life here is one miniscule facet of our existence. We can be as we wish in this lifetime and that is the power of free will, but there are other levels of consciousness out there to be experienced, different choices to make, more paths to follow, so what we perceive as our 'life' today, right now, is not all that there is or will be.So much is here right now just waiting to be experienced apart from the mundane, and all for the simple asking of Spirit to help us to take the blinkers off. So why don't we ask?Maybe it is because we have over time become disillusioned and lost faith. We judge the workings of our Higher Power by the world around us, maybe some looking for the signs of Spirit doing miraculous things to reinforce and justify our belief or even in a more simple way, people just having good lives. We in turn then look at our lives, what we asked for and didn't get, and find them wanting but don't know why. We cry 'woe is me', and wonder what we did to deserve our lot in life when others seem to be so much better off. The thing is, we did nothing wrong. As perfect souls already, we cannot tarnish the perfection that is within all of us. If we did not get what we asked for, it may be that we have a lesson to learn from that or the timing isn't right to get whatever we wanted nor reveal the lesson.But it is easier for us to believe that Spirit just doesn't want us to have a good, fulfilling life. We have heard for so long, from childhood, that real life is never easy or smooth or perfect, so we expect it to be hard, demanding, painful, in essence just about survival. So we join the masses in their unconscious struggle, blinded to the workings of the Universe and all that it can offer us. Because we 'know' life is supposed to be hard, that we'll never be happy because we never have been, and it becomes then dangerously close to a self fulfilling prophecy. We may make it so without even realizing, then say 'see, I knew it'.We in turn close the doors to our hearts, to ourselves, to our intuition, to our spiritual side, because to us those are not things that we have been taught that 'real life' is about. After all, we have probably been bullied, mistreated, downtrodden, humiliated, hurt at some stage in our lives, possibly many times over, so we come to expect that this is all there is to life, survival and getting through the daily grind. We choose, albeit on an unconscious level, to follow the crowd and get caught up in the superficiality of our reality. We do not dare not to.But that is not all there is, nor does it have to be that way. We chose to allow that to be our reality and we can choose to leave it behind too. All the pain and the hurts accumulated over many years can be diminished, if not extinguished, if we allow Spirit to enter our lives and trust that it will guide us.Renewing faith, not only in the Higher Power that you believe in, but in ourselves, is needed. Forgiving ourselves for past hurts done to us and by us, allowing those to be released, but not forgotten, so the lesson is learned, that was needed. We can live our lives in such a way that we can grow or expand our consciousness so that listening to our inner selves and trusting what we hear, becomes second nature to us. We can all be comfortable in our own skin when we wake in the morning and go to bed at nite.You can allow all the blinkers of 'real life' to fall away and let Spirit open your eyes and your heart to what is really the most important thing in your life - you.You have a path that you can choose to take to attain a life that is fulfilling to you, but you need to work at it and seek it out. Raise your awareness to a level where opportunities are seen with clarity. Think about who you want to be as a person, what you really want to do with your life, how you want to live it and seek it out. Even if it seemed an impossible goal right now, and so far away, still hold it in your heart and make even small steps towards it whenever you can. If you feel emptiness, look within and ask for help. If you feel pain, look within and ask for help. Whatever it is, Spirit can help guide you if you allow it to do so.The answers are there for you to find, and will become apparent to you once you start looking for them. They can come in many forms. Sometimes a person, sometimes a book, sometimes just a seemingly coincidental happening that helps or guides you forward. The key is allowing yourself to see with your heart and recognize when Spirit is putting all these tools in your path to help you on your journey to a happier, more fulfilling life, not hindering you. Let it work.Kay Elizabeth enjoys dabbling in writing, meeting new people in chat and discussing ideas on life,love and everything. She spends her waking hours working alongside her husband at The Megaphone Broadcasting System, http://www.themegaphone.net. The Megaphone Community is all about bringing back the old style html chat rooms in an ad free environment and enjoying a few laughs along the way. There's an active Spirituality chat room that's free to join plus a forum. All paths are respected and welcomed.
Keyword : changing your outlook, spirituality, self , inspirational, self improvement, walking your path
