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When God Answers: Exclusive Excerpt from "If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!"

Author : Barbara Rose, Ph.D.
It is important at this time that you know where I'm coming from, and that you know I am a regular human being just like you. So I am going to share with you how this all happened. How I learned about the process of getting answers from God, and the doubts, fears, and insecurities I went through. Everyone I have taught this process to went through the same thing.How It BeganIn 1994, I had a session with a highly spiritually evolved man named Bill Burns. He told me that I had the ability to bring through information from my Higher Self. I asked, "What's a Higher Self?" He said, "Your Higher Self is the one you call God."I literally laughed in his face and said, "Are you kidding me? Why would God want to talk to me? I'm not Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama. Why would God want to speak to me?" He said, "You can't understand or relate to this now. It's not like you're going to be some Madam Zelda with a scarf on your head and a crystal ball, but you will see that you will bring through information from God in your writings and in speech to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity."I looked at him as if he was from Pluto. Although I had deep respect for him, and do to this day, I didn't understand what he was talking about, and I certainly did not believe that I could receive direct answers from God.But I was curious. So I went home and did a writing: I asked God questions in writing and wrote down the answers I received as the words flowed into my mind. Even though I received answers that all turned out to be true, I dismissed the whole thing. I thought I was probably making it all up.Then, life happened. Hardships happened. Injustice happened. A relationship happened, and I fell in love.Now, if anything is going to get a person to really start asking God for answers, it is when he or she is in deep turmoil. I was writing letters to God every single day; many times, two, three, four, and even five times a day. I didn't understand why the events in my life were happening. I didn't know what to do or how to figure everything out, and I wanted answers!I received tens of thousands of pages of answers. The only problem was my ego. I did not believe the answers were really coming from God. I kept thinking I was making it all up. Then I began to receive predictions. They were all on the personal level. Exact dates and times by which things would happen, all in advance. This happened for two solid years. During that time I seriously thought I had gone mad. I used to walk around the house and say to myself, "I must be insane. I'm probably just a harmless psychopath." I really thought I was going crazy. I didn't believe that the one God, creator of Heaven and Earth, would actually communicate directly with me.So then in my writings I would ask for another prediction. It came true. Then another, and another. At one point, the words that flowed into my mind from God were, "Barbara, when will you finally believe? How many predictions do you need to come to pass?" And I would write, "Dear God, please just give me one more, and then I will believe." So I received yet another one. But I still didn't believe. This went on for two solid years. I was a tough nut to crack. Then I would write, "Dear God, what is going to happen this week?" I received another prediction. Once again, God brought the words into my mind that I wrote down verbatim. The words were, "When will you believe?" So I once again wrote, "Okay God, just one more prediction and then I will believe." This was after receiving hundreds of them. So I received another prediction with the exact date and the latest time by which the event would occur on that date. For example, I was in a long, deep, and emotionally difficult relationship with a man I dearly loved and still do. He broke up with me, for about the twentieth time, and said that it was "over forever." I really believed him because he sounded dead serious. I had even reached the point that I thought I had wanted it to be over forever. Then I wrote to God and asked, "Dear God, is the relationship really over? Please tell me it's over, I can't take it anymore. If it is, I can handle it. Please tell me the truth." The answer I received was, "No, it is not over. He will call you to see you on Wednesday by 6:00 p.m." After two solid years of predictions, when that one came to pass (I received a call from him on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. saying that he wanted to see me), my ego gave way as if a dam had burst open. I finally believed I was not making it all up.Logically, I had to conclude that there was no way on this earth that I could come up with advance information documented for two solid years and be correct each and every time.So I believed. But I had tremendous fear about what other people would think of me. I feared being viewed as some kind of New Age fruitcake. I feared how I would be viewed by society.It was through my writings, and all of the information I received from God in my writings, that I was able to completely transform my entire life.I had lost everything. There was a time I didn't have a home, a car, or money for food, and my life was at the bottom of the barrel. My self-esteem and self-confidence were also at the bottom of the barrel.God guided me in writing after writing about self-love, self-value, how to transform my life, what to do next, what to create, what to share, and what to write in books for humanity. God's words flow into my mind, and I write them down verbatim. The process feels exactly like taking dictation. The only difference is that rather than hearing the words spoken out loud by someone, the words come into my mind silently, so it is like taking internal dictation. What I mean by "internal" is that I hear the words within my mind, exactly as you might hear God's still small voice within your mind saying something such as "take this road home today instead of the one you usually take."The process of personal transformation was given to me by God through my writings, and I can guarantee that if there is any area or aspect of your life in which you would like to see, feel, and experience positive transformation, God will give you every answer in your own writings exactly as He or She does for me and for the countless other people I have taught this to who also receive direct answers from God every day of their lives.It is also important for you to know that no matter what is upsetting you or what you may feel unsure about—even if you are not sure about the perfect words to say in reply to an e-mail—if it is important to you in your heart, you can ask God in writing for the perfect words to write, and then simply write down the answers as the words flow into your mind.This is the beauty of the process. You can receive answers for anything that matters to you in your everyday life. You do not have to wait for an emergency. Here's a good rule of thumb: if you're not sure about something, ask God! There is one exception, however, and that is asking for predictions about future outcomes.Chapter excerpt © Copyright 2006 by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved, from If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer! Published by The Rose Group (September 2006) ISBN: 0974145750 Available on Amazon.Com USA and UK, and Barnes & Noble.Barbara Rose, Ph.D. is the best selling author of nine books including If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!, Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE, and Know Yourself. She is an internationally recognized expert in personal transformation, relationships, consciousness and spiritual awakening, and a pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication, the nondenominational study and integration of humanitys God Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. Dr. Rose is known for providing life changing answers, quick practical coaching and deep spiritual wisdom to people worldwide as the Founder and Director of IHSC, Institute of Higher Self Communication.Her highly acclaimed books, public speaking events, spiritual intensives, teleseminars, webcasts, and internationally published articles have transformed the lives of thousands across the globe. Dr. Rose works in cooperation with some of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time, to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity.
Keyword : Barbara Rose, Ph.D., Higher Self Communication, Answers from God, Personal Transformation, IHSC,
