วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Winners Work with Coaches

Author : Terry Zambri
Coaching is, by far, one of the most effective and efficient ways to move ahead to success. Winners choose to hire a coach because they're ready – ready to succeed, ready to make their dreams a reality. They know that professional coaches can help them see their goals become reality more quickly, with a lot less stress and strife, and with results that are even better than they ever imagined.What do you really want, anyway? Seems like a simple, innocent question, right? Yet lots of coaching clients start with this as their biggest puzzle. How can you work toward a goal you don't really have? Your coach has seen this a million times, and will work with you to discover what you really want, if you don't already know. Chances are that you want more than one thing. Your coach can help you prioritize your goals and create an action plan before you get moving. Coaches also help you see what potential obstacles lie in your path, and help you formulate a strategy to move past them as they arise.Nothing gets past your coach, and this works in your favor, too. Your coach will hold you accountable to doing what you say you're going to do. This is really important because of how much easier it is to talk the talk than to walk the walk. Talk is cheap, and your coach is there to make sure you take every action you decide to take.Why doesn't everyone have a coach? Well, most people who don't have a coach don't "get it" and don't understand the value of personal coaching. Some think they can't afford to hire a coach. They look at the price tag and compare it to their bank account; they do the math and say, "Nope." That's their biggest mistake – basing their decision on where they are right now. Coaching is a profession that's experienced huge growth over the past few years. Coaches don't stay in business long without having measurable success with their clients. If a coach has been around a while and can show how they've helped others, you can bet they know their stuff.In fact, if you do some research, you'll find testimonials from clients who've experienced a return on their coaching investment of more than 100%. That's the report across the board. You'll hear clients say, "It was the best money I ever spent. I wish I did it sooner." It's a way of putting your money where your mouth is – a way of anchoring yourself to your success plan.Are you holding off on hiring a coach because you think the timing isn't right yet?. Or are you waiting for the stars to align, and your life to be in perfect order first? Chances are, your life will never be less busy, have less pressure, responsibilities and obligations. Are you going to let your life get in the way of your dreams? Your coach doesn't have the power to stop the clock, but can definitely help you find more time. You'll learn how to wring the most out of every moment – both in your business pursuits and personal life. You'll find yourself more effective, more present, and more efficient.You might wonder whether hiring a coach is the best possible use of your money. I mean, isn't it the same, just reading a good self-improvement book? You can put that info to use on your own, right? Yes and no. Books are great – they help you open your mind to new, more helpful ideas. They give good information. But, they fall short in one area. No book can magically bring about the results you want. Having information is necessary, but not sufficient to achievement. Only consistent, massive action moves you along the path to success.You may believe that if you just work harder, you'll succeed – with or without a coach. Good luck with that! You may succeed, of course, but at what cost? You can trade your every waking moment for money, work like a dog, and never take a break, but you'll be left with calloused hands, a drained brain, and a family and friends that don't even recognize you. Your coach specializes in helping you work smarter rather than harder. You'll learn how to eliminate activities that aren't helping you, how to make space in your life for what really matters, and to align your priorities with your calendar. Companies spend millions to hire efficiency experts – you'll get the same benefit for pennies on the dollar.As LifeSuccess Consultants, Andrew Cocks and Terry Zambri teach people how to work in harmony with the 7 Universal Laws and create M3 income strategies so they can leverage their time, establish multiple sources of income and enjoy time and money freedom.
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Keyword : coach, coaching
