วันจันทร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Your Skills and Abilities

Author : Ted Marlett
Most of us do not know anything, or at least very little, about self defense or the skills training needed to defend ourselves or our families. Imagining the amount of time necessary to get into good physical condition and maintaining that condition is difficult for some of us and not at all for others. Yet, we all have some physical or mental skills that we use on a daily basis to keep us out of dangers way. And when danger finds us, we will most always try to find a way to defend ourselves, either physically or mentally. Either way, we may spend a great amount of time taking care of ourselves in a very negative way.Of course there are many organizations whose job it is to keep their men and women physically and mentally fit in order to take care of us, but can they always be there for us when we need them? Not always, as you will see when you read the daily paper or read the headlines on your web browser. These people spend a great deal of time training and exercising to keep in shape and honing their skills for when their help is needed. And they have to spend a great deal of time studying on how to keep us safe. Can you and I spend that amount of time along with all the other things we have to do in order to maintain daily life and the comfort levels we want? The answer is no. We leave that to the people who are paid to do it.We all have abilities and skills. They just vary from person to person. Abilities are the things you do as you have developed your life and learned how to do things. Skills are the things you do as you were trained based on your abilities. There is a connection between the two, although an ability to do something can be taught and developed into a skill rather than learned through trial and error. Don?t most people who drive a car have some ability to do so? They just had to be eventually trained in the skill of driving and all the other things necessary to do as one drives an automobile.Yet many of us have not the greatest ability to take care of ourselves in a dangerous situation. That's why self defense and security products have been developed. They may help us put down an attacker, or at the very least help us get away and call for help. Most are non-lethal as sold on web sites and in some stores. These are the ones that the law says we can have to protect ourselves that won?t necessarily kill anyone. Use them, but remember to develop your abilities with them and turn those abilities into skills so you have a little more protection for yourself and your family. And do remember: not all self defense products will stop everyone or render everyone helpless. Use your common sense when defending yourself or your family.Ted Marlett
Keyword : personal self defense, family safety, business safety, personal safety
