วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Action That Most People Must Do But Never Do!

Author : Mohamed Tohami
Among all actions that are important for your success, there
is one action most people don't dare to do or never think about
doing.This action is "Making lots of mistakes"!!!!!!!!!!Hey, hey, hey hold on. Don't stop reading.Let me explain!You have two choices in life; either you settle for the less or
strive for the best.To succeed in life you must face your fears and take risks.
Without being courageous and taking bold actions, you will never
achieve anything in your life.The most important lessons you will learn in your life come from
your mistakes. Mistakes and failures redirect you to the right
path and make you ready for the next level of success.Most people accept being less than they could be and having less
than they could have because they are afraid of making mistakes.
They don't want to change. They don't want to take different
actions.Most people think they shouldn't start unless everything is
perfect. They might wait until someone comes or something
happens before they start taking the first step. Many people are
imprisoned in this perfection myth and the result is an empty
life.My friend, isn't it time to live the life of your dreams?What is stopping you?!Stretch yourself. Take action. Face your fears.Make mistakes, a lot of them, because every time you make a
mistake, you will learn something new and become closer to your
dreams.Look at mistakes and failures as a step forward, not a
roadblock, to your success.I know that it is hard to apply this concept without having a
passion for something big. Something that gives you confidence in
taking the risks and accepting the challenges. That is why discovering
your life purpose is the single, essential step before starting the
journey towards a successful life. Discovering your life purpose
is your way to live with passion and leave a legacy.Know your unique purpose. Set up your sail. And move with
courage to a life full of success, meaning and value. Bring
great value to yourself and to the world around you.Be open to learn new lessons and improve everyday.My friend, you can make a difference.I believe in you.Mohamed Tohami (http://www.tohami.com) is a success mentor
helping thousands of people worldwide to live a purposeful life
and achieve their goals. Subscribe to his "Make a Difference"
weekly Ezine and receive 8 special gifts at:
Keyword : mistakes, failures, purpose, success, passion
