วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Are You Happy Now?

Author : Mohamed Tohami
Let me ask you a simple question, "What do you need to be
happy?"Did you forget this word in the busyness of life?"Happiness!!! It has been too long since I thought about this
word, Tohami. I even forgot how it feels like."We all search for happiness but the problem is that…*** We are all waiting for reasons to be happyAnd this is a big fault. We deprive ourselves from being happy.
We give external circumstances the power to control our life and
our happiness.Why do you wait for something to happen to be happy?Busyness of life makes most of us out of sync with ourselves,
our families and our dreams.Everyday you are doing tasks that don't relate to your passion
and purpose in life. You just don't feel any joy in living.Everyday in your work, your blood pressure goes through the
roof. And you think to yourself, "It will never get much better
than this!"So, you stay calm. You lose control. You accept your life as is
and prefer to stay where you are, simply because things will not
get better.And so, your life turns to be a series of desperation and
internal sadness. Your dreams are buried deep inside yourself
without a hope that one day they can come out and become a
reality.***What are you waiting for?! Life is too short.Don't wait for something to happen to be happy. Do it yourself.Look for ways to make you happy. You deserve to be happy.Turn out the lights.Start moving towards your dreams. Find your unique purpose and
start living with passion.*** As Dan Millman said, "Act happy, feel happy, be happy,
without a reason in the world. Then you can love and do what you
will"Just act happy. Do what make you happy, and then you will feel
and be happy.You don't need reasons to be happy. It is not a shame. It is
your right.Through happiness you can move with love. You can give and make
others happy.Through happiness you can attract more success and your dreams are
much closer to become your reality.My friend, happiness is yours; don't let it go.End each day with a satisfied contentment crossing your face.Smile and feel the difference.Champion, you can make a difference.I believe in you.Get more free success tips and strategies with 8 special
gifts when you sign up for "Make a Difference" Ezine at
http://www.tohami.comMohamed Tohami (http://www.tohami.com) is a success mentor
helping thousands of people worldwide to live a purposeful life
and achieve their goals.
Keyword : happy, happiness, feel happy, be happy
