วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Living a Healthy, Positive, Pro-active, Life

Author : Bob Roach
Life is just too short to live it reacting to each and every stimulus that happens to come our way. You are too smart to live anything but a positive and healthy life. When people talk about living one day at a time you need to say, "I am one of those people that lives life to the fullest each and every day. I can not wait to wake up in the morning to see what life has to offer on this new day."You really need to read this article. No it is not anything new. Guess what? There is nothing new under the sun. What ever you see... it was here yesterday and will be here tomorrow. This article is about you! It is about you taking charge of your life and making the most of it. I see so many miserable people each day. And I say to myself, "what in the world is making them so miserable? Why are they unhappy?"In order to answer these questions and move on to the life that you deserve, you must realize that you can fall into the trap too! If you are like me and most people you are either in the trap or have been recently. The most important question is, how can you get out of the trap and live the life that you deserve.First one must realize that you are responsible for your unhappiness. You must take the responsibility and quit trying to put the blame on someone else. Happiness is within and it is a choice. You either choose to be happy or you choose to be unhappy.How Did You Fall Into The Trap?Very likely you were having a normal happy day when suddenly something went wrong. Maybe you were at work and you found out that a co-worker has been talking about you. Maybe you were at home and the washer or dryer went out and you do not have the money to buy a new one. Maybe your child did not make the cheer leading squad. Obviously I could go on and on about many of lifes' circumstances that we routinely face.So What Is The Difference?The difference is whether you fall into the trap or stay clear of it. If you REACT to the problem by looking for someone to either blame it on or take it out on, then you are falling into a pattern of life that is completely your choice. Each and every time you REACT negatively to lifes' problem, you become more and more likely to stay in the trap. You are the one that decides that you will live your life as if you had no control what so ever and are merely a victim of circumstances.Fight BackDo not fall into the trap. Grow up and quit crying about life. Life IS what you make of it. You really can take control of your own life and live the happy and healthy life that you think you are being robbed of. But YOU have to RESPOND to life instead of REACTING to life. Your response must be pro-active. You must say,"What can I do to make this situation better?"Let's get real. What happened to you today? Did you get passed over for a promotion? You can decide to be miserable and blame your boss. You may say that he chose the other employee because of politics. Or you can be pro-active and try to determine what YOU can do to make sure you do not get passed over again. Maybe you could be more social with the administration. Maybe you need to go back to get more education. Maybe you just need to be patient and wait your turn. Maybe you need to do your very best with the position you now hold. If you choose to blame others and be reactive, you will start a pattern that will keep you digging deeper and deeper into a rut that causes you to be unhappy and stressed out.If you are lucky enough to wake up in the morning, I challenge you to be a positive, pro-active, person. I challenge you to make it your responsibility to be happy and help others feel good about themselves. Wake up and determine your own happiness by choosing to be happy. Think about it... you woke up.
The rest of the day is up to you!Bob Roach Father of one and middle school teacher of literally thousands over the past thirty years. To find out more parenting tips write me at: rproach@yahoo.com
Keyword : happiness, life, fight, respond, react, pro-active, living, healthy, health.
